Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
One of my friends moved to Austin 3-4 years ago after about a decade in SoCal.

I traded messages with her yesterday and she said their neighborhood has a pool but it's too hot to even go over there. She seemed legitimately depressed. The newness of 'we were able to buy a house!' has long worn off.

I lived in Dallas one summer and it did seem significantly worse than OKC, and that's saying something.
I was in Dallas over the weekend and it was like hell on earth. Awful. Even in the shade it felt like you were baking in an oven, and much of the vegetation was burned to a crisp, even in the fancy nabes like Highland Park.

Texas may become uninhabitable with climate change. DFW is already strained for water resources and the ATX-SAT megalopolis is going to further strain it.