Quote Originally Posted by SEMIweather View Post
It's too far east of I-35 to ever get thru traffic off the highway, IMO, even if they did ever extend it up to Guthrie or wherever. People don't even take TX-130 to bypass Austin, and that toll road is much closer to a much more congested stretch of I-35. On the other hand, I do think it'll work swimmingly to divert a lot of the traffic that is going from I-35 to I-40 or I-44.
I don't think it will either, I-35 congestion would have to get significantly worse for the amount of extra time it would take for someone to go that far east and then back west to I-35 to make it worth paying money to do so too.

There's can't be much regional traffic that uses I-35 to access I-40 or I-44 from the north or south. Only areas for be from like Ardmore coming north that would make sense. If someone is coming north from say DFW they're going over to 75 to go north before they take I-35. If their goal was to get somewhere northeast of OKC. I can't see how this segment really does much for alleviating regional congestion that funnels through the urban core now. The only benefit I really see for regional traffic flow would be Tulsa residents being able to access the Norman area faster for game days.