Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Reminder that the very dubious guy with Block 405 also hired Cathy O'Connor. So did Strawberry Fields some time ago.

Her involvement is by no means a stamp of credibility.
Since I’m the one who mentioned Cathy’s announcement I suppose this is directed at me. I didn’t mention it to infer credibility, and not sure why you read it that way. I mentioned her because a previous poster had raised questions regarding funding.

While her involvement may or may not speak to the legitimacy of a client, I think we can agree that she has made a career out of connecting developers with public incentives. Her involvement infers a pursuit of incentive dollars, and also probably gives them an excellent chance of success in that specific regard. In no way speaks to the developer’s legitimacy, though I’ve come to believe they do indeed have more of that than I’d originally expected.