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I don't think you'll ever get anyone on the Origional Mile idea. That place is packed thick with housing...much more dense than anything you would see today. That dense building means there are a LOT more homes to buy out, and believe it or not, people really like living there. It's a quiet neighborhood and it's safe. It may not be the prettiest homes you've seen, but the people that live there enjoy it and don't complain. They may be 60 year old cracker-box homes, but a huge number of people have either kept thier homes in good condition or have renovated them. I can't tell you how many people had their first home in that neighborhood....and still do.
Like any neighborhood, it has it's good and bad parts, but If you drive around and look at how many people have really put effort into their homes in the last 10 years, I think you'd see it's not as bad as it appears. It's not a 100K home neighborhood, but I don't think it should be bulldozed by any means. Let me see a plan to bulldoze everything north of 10th and I'll sign it. The homes may be bigger, but the crime is terrible up there...plus it's OKCPS.