As I said, there is nothing to get you focused like a hard deadline.

With almost every Olympics, there are rampant reports of things running way behind schedule and much hand-wringing about pulling everything together in time. And yet, it always gets done.

And it's not just the things that are directly part of hosting the events like the venues themselves, it's about a City wanting to be ready to put its best foot forward when you are going to be on a truly international stage. THAT is what excites me most... All the projects in the planning stages will be moved to the front burner with an immovable finish-by date.

As a side note, I already have friends from all over the country wanting to come stay with me!

I've been processing this for months now but when I first realized it was a real possibility I couldn't even think through what this might look like for OKC. So, I've had a head-start on almost everyone else and now I don't know if I've ever been as excited about anything OKC-related.

OKC literally would be put on the global map and our national profile will grow exponentially. Simply put, people will think of us differently and I'm including those who live in the City and state.

The primary reaction on social media has been disbelief. It's time for our residents to start thinking bigger and start believing in grand possibilities.

All that might seem like hyperbole, but as I said, I've been thinking about this for months now. Many will come around to the same way of thinking, especially if/when there is an official announcement.