Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
Lol. He’s already losing a major donor in Richeson. His fund raising experience is for political causes…elections. He’s known more for political ambition than leadership. Nothing about him indicates he can be appealing to high school students. He has no academic management or leadership background, and one can argue that by his political affiliations is actually anti-academic. So what about him screams “I know how to lead a university and its students into the next decade”?
The nice? thing about UCO is that it has historically been a dead end job. For its past presidents, its been their last job prior to full retirement. So if he wants a bigger job, he has to absolutely knock it out of the park. As a candidate, I couldn't stand Lamb. He seemed to feel entitled ot be the governor of the State. He's a career politician, even a nepo baby as the heir of a multigenerational political family.

But the guy is reasonably well connected. He may even be connected enough to increase UCO's standing among regional universities, and we can dream.. he could even push for it to become a comprehensive university, although I would expect Tulsa to get a comprehensive university campus before Edmond.

I could also see him making a push to D-1 sports for UCO. Even with its shrunken enrollment, it is larger than a lot of D1 schools.