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Thread: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

  1. #51

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    This is looking like another year without much of a severe weather season. I’m not seeing anything on longer range models to indicate a traditional stormy pattern. Maybe that will change?

    I know that as we move into late may and June, we get more northwesterly patterns with MCS’s and such. Those can bring some nice rains. We’re going to need it as the lakes are still really low.
    For as bad as the drought has been I was surprised to see most lakes in decent shape heading into the wettest period of the year. The OKC-area lakes are low but are within reach of getting closer to normal. Bartlesville has been water rationing for months due to low levels at Copan. Skiatook near Tulsa is also the lowest it's been in several years due to its limited watershed in drought-plagued Osage County

  2. #52

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Hefner was really, really low before we got that 3-4 inches last week.

    You can still see lots of brown dirt around the edges.

  3. #53

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    This is looking like another year without much of a severe weather season. I’m not seeing anything on longer range models to indicate a traditional stormy pattern. Maybe that will change?

    I know that as we move into late may and June, we get more northwesterly patterns with MCS’s and such. Those can bring some nice rains. We’re going to need it as the lakes are still really low.
    I don't know. Thursday looks bad.

  4. #54

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by floyd the barber View Post
    I don't know. Thursday looks bad.
    After Thursday though Severe Weather doesn't seem likely for a while in the Southern Plains. The "Death Ridge" forms and things shut down.

  5. #55

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    HRRR 48 Hours out. WOW. However it's still 48 hours out and only one run so MEH it will change but Thursday is a day to watch.

  6. #56

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    HRRR 48 Hours out. WOW. However it's still 48 hours out and only one run so MEH it will change but Thursday is a day to watch.
    Where can I see it?

  7. #57

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    After Thursday though Severe Weather doesn't seem likely for a while in the Southern Plains. The "Death Ridge" forms and things shut down.
    The models I looked at today still show an unsettled pattern continuing into the following week

  8. #58

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    The models I looked at today still show an unsettled pattern continuing into the following week
    Yes rain all weekend first part of next week but severe weather no.

  9. #59

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    For as bad as the drought has been I was surprised to see most lakes in decent shape heading into the wettest period of the year. The OKC-area lakes are low but are within reach of getting closer to normal. Bartlesville has been water rationing for months due to low levels at Copan. Skiatook near Tulsa is also the lowest it's been in several years due to its limited watershed in drought-plagued Osage County

    Bartlesville needs to pipe in water from Kaw Lake.

  10. #60

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Really interested to see what the SPC is going to go with on their 2-day Outlook. Did a little more digging tonight and it's a really good setup for some big thunderstorms for West Central Oklahoma on Thursday. I'm sure it'll just be enhanced but wouldn't shock me to see a moderate risk come later down the road.

  11. #61

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Ok so SPC is holding back a bit for now. Here's what they think:

    A more substantial -- through also likely more isolated -- severe
    risk may evolve across parts of western Oklahoma, near a potential
    dryline bulge. While capping should hinder development until late
    afternoon, developing storms would be evolving within an airmass
    featuring a moist boundary layer beneath steep lapse rates aloft,
    and with low-level southeasterly flow veering and increasing to
    southwesterly at mid levels. As a result, a couple of supercell
    storms are anticipated, which would be capable of producing very
    large hail, locally damaging wind gusts, and potentially a couple of
    tornadoes. This risk would spread northeastward through the evening
    -- across Oklahoma and into southern Kansas. While questions
    regarding convective coverage argue against upgrading tornado or
    hail probabilities at this time, such upgrades could be necessary in
    future outlooks if this scenario becomes more certain, and
    particularly if it appears that storm coverage may be slightly
    greater than currently anticipated.

  12. #62

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Models are backing off a touch on storm intensity although they still have a cluster popping up in central ok. There’s not much in the way of convergence to initiate storms. If that low can track a little further south or if it speeds up a hair, it could be a rough day. It could also be a nothing burger too.

  13. #63

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    There are a lot of people putting all of their eggs in the NAM/HRRR basket for tomorrow.
    The other models output is lacking… to be perfectly transparent.

  14. #64

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Yep the models are not agreeing that being said though ingredients are there for some big storms.

  15. #65

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Another factor for tomorrow is a potential for decaying cluster of morning time storms coming out of the panhandle area. Longevity, cloudcover, and outflow boundaries interacting with the dryline will all need to be accounted for.

    One thing is for certain. Massive chaser convergence.

  16. #66

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    SPC upgraded C, NC, and NW OK to Enhanced Risk. Including 10% tornado probabilities. Hatched for significant potential on both tornado and hail. All of OKC is included now and that extends past Norman.

  17. #67

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Enhanced risk now from SPC with at 10% hatched tornado area from OKC up to SW Kansas.

  18. #68

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Pretty wild to see that cut off low moving northwest across Arkansas. Almost looks like a decaying tropical system with a few outer bands moving across Oklahoma

  19. #69

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    So the whole setup for tomorrow afternoon is predicated on how far north that low moves up, correct?

  20. #70

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Tomorrow is feeling a whole lot more like “bust” territory than anything big. The NAM is struggling to fire storms at all. The atmosphere is primed but there is no convergence to initiate storms. The HRRR is firing a couple of storms still but they’re small little cluster now. The HRRR is also showing more of a cap. Than previous model iterations. The NAM is hinting at cloudy conditions most of the day but no cap. I suspect that there will be a cap tomorrow and not enough heating to fire storms. Also, not enough convergence overall.

  21. #71

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    Tomorrow is feeling a whole lot more like “bust” territory than anything big. The NAM is struggling to fire storms at all. The atmosphere is primed but there is no convergence to initiate storms. The HRRR is firing a couple of storms still but they’re small little cluster now. The HRRR is also showing more of a cap. Than previous model iterations. The NAM is hinting at cloudy conditions most of the day but no cap. I suspect that there will be a cap tomorrow and not enough heating to fire storms. Also, not enough convergence overall.
    Will there be enough forcing and dry line burgle to overcome some of that though? I'm thinking the low does maybe need to track a little further south..

  22. #72

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Edmond Public Schools has already moved Kindergarten parent night so looks like bust it is!

  23. #73

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    Pouring in eastern Oklahoma where I'm at for work. So obviously the rain dies before it reaches the metro.

  24. #74

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    HRRR still liking the I-35 area with storms blowing up along i-35. Let's see what the Namnst does cause it hasn't been showing much.

  25. #75

    Default Re: May 2023 - General Weather Discussion

    One thing that really worries me about tomorrow is how the HRRR is being so specific to only one or two isolated super cells. I can’t understand why that one specific little area is conducive to storm initiation, but that trend has been consistent. However, if those storms break the cap, that atmosphere is going to be seriously charged and isolated which is a bad combination for tornadoes. Some of our worst tornadoes have been when these supercells get isolated like this.

    If the HRRR holds out tomorrow and the skies clear by lunch, I would not at all be surprised if the tornado risk is elevated. Could it be significant enough to see a PDS warning tomorrow?

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