Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
What is the modern GOP without constant moral panics about "others"? They complain about "cancel culture," but it's the heart of their party. They target any minoritized group and then claim that their white Christian majority (which holds power in every level of government) is the real victim by having to live in a society with people different from them. That's how you get to cancelling an entire public service just to ensure you cancel one gay character that you'd rather not exist. It's all grounded in bigotry.
Liberals are just as bad, and not nearly as virtuous as you'd think. I think back to message boards I've participated in and years ago, I recall folks would go after white folks who even used the term "woke" as if it was a sacred cow of some sort. Liberals are just as bad at insisting on orthodox beliefs which defy common sense and logic. You don't have to look hard to find things like this:


(and that's just something that stuck with me because of how ridiculous it is.. better go make sure the owners of Pepperoni Grill are actually Italian...)

The fighters of the culture wars are just going to keep looking for bigger and bigger targets. We reap what we sew.

I think it's all ridiculous.