OU Law ranked 31st as recently as 2020. Since then, many tenured faculty members have retired and the rumor is the school was only allowed to hire one tenured-track faculty member a year. This led to a huge increase in the reliance on adjunct professors--particularly professors that had never taught before and held a full-time legal career outside of the school. Oklahoma also switched to the Universal Bar Exam (UBE) in 2021 and the faculty have not pivoted their teaching to reflect that. As a result, Bar passage rates recently have been terrible. Prior to 2021, OU Law enjoyed a passage rate of about 95%. In the four exams since then, passage rates for OU have been 88%, 50%, 82%, and 61%. Overall passage rates for the most recent Bar Exam were 37% (!). OU Law is still the best law school in Oklahoma, handedly out-performing TU and OCU (TU is ranked 118 and OCU is ranked 147-192, which is essentially unranked), but unless they get serious about acquiring good, long-term professors and focusing on the UBE, I fear they will continue to slip in the rankings.