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Thread: CompUSA Closing

  1. #1

    Default CompUSA Closing

    Not just in Oklahoma City - but everywhere.
    News Story
    That will open up a nice retail spot for something at the center there at NW 63rd and May. The poor place is having a rough couple of months, the Hollywood Video Stores shut down and left an empty spot there just a month ago. Still a very nice building, I imagine something will find its way into the two spots.

  2. #2

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    This may be mixed blessing for the city. It will probably stay vacant for only a couple of months. Unless I am mistaken, I think that store used to be a Homeland/Safeway at one time. I think it would be cool to see a new specialty grocery store open in that location.

  3. #3

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Very unfortunate for that shopping center, with both Hollywood Video and CompUSA going out...

  4. Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Worst store in the world for advertising dirt cheap prices and then having zero on hand just to get you in the door.

  5. Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    Worst store in the world for advertising dirt cheap prices and then having zero on hand just to get you in the door.
    Yeah, their prices were high, and anybody with enough computer knowledge to buy their own repair parts knows that the same stuff could be had elsewhere for cheaper. I'm surprised they stayed in business that long.

  6. Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Anyone visited the NW 63rd location? I hear the clearnace sales have begun. Are their any really good deals to be had yet, or are they doing the typical 10% off for the first few weeks?

    I tried calling for 20 minutes but nobody answers.

    I'm specifically looking for a new Mac - anyone know if they are marking them down?

  7. #7

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    the wife and I checked it out yesterday. Their "clearance" prices were still high.

  8. #8

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Anyone that can use the internet can find a lot better prices...or if they are scared to do that, go to PC club right down the street.

  9. #9

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy1807 View Post
    the wife and I checked it out yesterday. Their "clearance" prices were still high.
    Going out of business sales are for suckers.

    Every retail store that has ever had "Going Out of Business Sale" has always charged regular price or traditional sale prices for the first few weeks. The inventory that does not sell is loaded on trucks and sent back to the warehouse. The warehouse will sell it back to the manufacture for credit/repayment or they will sell it to somebody like Walls or Big Lots.

    Clearing out the store after the starter sale gives customers the impression that they missed out on good deals and they better buy what is left. Whatever little piddly crap that does not sell is also sold to Wall's, Big Lots or a Mom and Pop second hand retail operation.

    I think CompUSA is going strictly web. Their website says nothing about a closing sale or anything like that. I expect them to change thier name and try to compete with Tiger Direct and other sites like it.

  10. Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Not so in some cases... I've been to lots of real closeout sales. When several Radio Shacks closed locally, the prices got pretty good! We bought a surround sound system, a small TV for the spare room and lots of memory cards for 40% off.

    I agree though that many times the first several weeks are a joke.

    I went by there this morning as a matter of fact. The salesman kept saying how great their Mac prices were and that they had dropped another 5% that morning. While we were talking I pulled up Apple's website on one of their Macs - I could get a brand new 20" Imac with Leopard for the exact same price. Comp USA's didn't have Leopard and I'd still have to pay tax on top of that. Apple has no tax and free shipping!

  11. Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Not so in some cases... I've been to lots of real closeout sales. When several Radio Shacks closed locally, the prices got pretty good! We bought a surround sound system, a small TV for the spare room and lots of memory cards for 40% off.
    I agree...I got such a good deal at Best Buy on a couple of car audio amps when they moved locations (from what is now a gymnastics place) across the street, I bought two extra ones. They were about 70% off what they normally sold for.

  12. #12

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I think CompUSA is going strictly web. Their website says nothing about a closing sale or anything like that. I expect them to change thier name and try to compete with Tiger Direct and other sites like it.
    No, Google it. The company was sold to a liquidator.

  13. #13
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    I can't really feel bad about "CompUseless" closing, other than it is nice to have a place to go and get a hands-on look at a product before I buy it online. Guess I'll have to go to Best Buy now, even though I loathe that place even more.

  14. #14

    Default Re: CompUSA Closing

    long island company to buy compusa assets

    looks as if systemax subsidiary tigerdirect will be taking over the compusa brand/website and will operate up to 16 of the existing brick-and-mortar retail stores.


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