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Thread: Jimmy's Egg

  1. #151

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Why do you hope they're wrong? What difference would that make to a regular customer since they're all franchised? Even if the parent company sold, I'd bet none of the restaurants would change their menus or do anything differently unless the new owner wants to do something drastic (which I'd also bet they wouldn't do - don't mess with the golden-egg laying goose).

  2. #152

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Why do you hope they're wrong? What difference would that make to a regular customer since they're all franchised? Even if the parent company sold, I'd bet none of the restaurants would change their menus or do anything differently unless the new owner wants to do something drastic (which I'd also bet they wouldn't do - don't mess with the golden-egg laying goose).
    I believe the only ones that are franchised are outside of Oklahoma, at least that is what it was a few years ago.

  3. #153

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by Mballard85 View Post
    I believe the only ones that are franchised are outside of Oklahoma, at least that is what it was a few years ago.
    If you look up all the properties on the OK county assessor site, they're owned by a variety of people/companies (which may all be related/family members of the original owner). May not be franchised, but it doesn't appear that they're all one-company-owned.

  4. #154

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Why do you hope they're wrong? What difference would that make to a regular customer since they're all franchised? Even if the parent company sold, I'd bet none of the restaurants would change their menus or do anything differently unless the new owner wants to do something drastic (which I'd also bet they wouldn't do - don't mess with the golden-egg laying goose).
    People don't buy an old slow-growth restaurant business because they are hunting just moderate returns. Everyone wants to be the next Wolf of Wall Street with instant parabolic growth. The new age approach to buying a business now is to squeeze every last penny of profit out of something just before alienating current franchise owners and loyal customers with freshly updated menus that are disconnected from the original, feel-good corporate slogans, and ears-closed listening sessions before dumping the carcass into Chapter 7 liquidation.

    Maybe I am just cynical. Good for the current owner to get out while the tide is high, though.

  5. #155

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    I can say anything is for sale for the right price, but Jimmy's Egg is not for sale.

    As a successful business of over 40 years, Jimmy's Egg has become complex in some ownership areas. And the death of the founder has created an opportunity to streamline the ownership structure.

  6. #156

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Let's see if I clicked the correct things on the forum so that I don't "time out" because of my slow typing and rambling!

    Perhaps this ramble belongs in the Nostalgia section, but whatever.

    In the 1970's, I worked for Ford Audio and Acoustics (now called Ford AV) which was then located on the SW corner of 18th and Classen. On the NW corner of that intersection was/is (?) the Victoria Building that was once the Victoria Theater back in Ye Olde Days.

    On the ground floor of the Victoria were several store fronts facing East towards a drug store on the NE corner and the Safeway store on the SE corner of the intersection. In that time, a man named Jim Newman and his wife (I don't recall her name) had relocated from Calif (LA????) and opened the ORIGINAL Jimmy's Egg. They were a youngish couple...maybe ages 30 or 40. They made excellent omelettes and homemade bread amongst other treats. Each day, they ran a Lunch Special. On Fridays, it was a tex-mex platter. We folks from Ford Audio called it our "weekly gut bomb" <g> and loved it.

    I moved from OKC to Texas for a couple of years. When I returned in 1980, I THINK the Newmans had moved into what was once a Beverly's at 16th and May and it was also called Jimmy's Egg.

  7. #157

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Further fuzzy memories about the 16th and May location.

    As a kid, I attended St. Luke's Methodist where Beverly Osbourne (sp??) and family also attended. I recall one of his grandkids (Randy??) also went into the restaurant biz and perhaps was the one who bought out that Jimmy's Egg location from the Newmans.

  8. #158

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCexpat View Post
    Further fuzzy memories about the 16th and May location.

    As a kid, I attended St. Luke's Methodist where Beverly Osbourne (sp??) and family also attended. I recall one of his grandkids (Randy??) also went into the restaurant biz and perhaps was the one who bought out that Jimmy's Egg location from the Newmans.
    Your post got me to googlizing this morning, and I found out Beverly Osbourne had no children, but his key employee and business successor was Randy Shaw. I don't think Shaw had any business dealings with Newman. Loc Le bought Jimmy's Egg from Jimmy Newman.

  9. #159

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Thanks for the clarification. That was nearly 50 years ago, and my memory is obviously faulty!

  10. #160

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    I like browsing this channel each day to keep up on my hometown of OKC. I also suspect that I am far older than most folks here, so I will make comments that are only based on faulty memories. I bet that most/many/all (?) readers don't know of Beverly's Restaurants besides the current one located at NW highway and Independence...that building was once a bowling alley!

    I think I might start a thread about Beverly's......maybe it should be in the Nostalgia section so as not to annoy the young readers here???

  11. Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCexpat View Post
    I like browsing this channel each day to keep up on my hometown of OKC. I also suspect that I am far older than most folks here, so I will make comments that are only based on faulty memories. I bet that most/many/all (?) readers don't know of Beverly's Restaurants besides the current one located at NW highway and Independence...that building was once a bowling alley!

    I think I might start a thread about Beverly's......maybe it should be in the Nostalgia section so as not to annoy the young readers here???
    There is an older thread in restaurants here, if it helps:

  12. #162
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    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCexpat View Post
    I like browsing this channel each day to keep up on my hometown of OKC. I also suspect that I am far older than most folks here, so I will make comments that are only based on faulty memories. I bet that most/many/all (?) readers don't know of Beverly's Restaurants besides the current one located at NW highway and Independence...that building was once a bowling alley!

    I think I might start a thread about Beverly's......maybe it should be in the Nostalgia section so as not to annoy the young readers here???
    The one downtown, on 23rd, or even the one across from Penn Square?

  13. #163

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Speaking of Jimmy's Egg, Are they supposed to put a new location on the west side of Norman since they had to close their Main street location?

  14. Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    The one downtown, on 23rd, or even the one across from Penn Square?
    16th & May

  15. #165

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Speaking of 16th & May... what's the deal on the rebuild? Still an empty lot with a fence around it

  16. #166

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Norman, as well as NW16th & May Avenue are both temporarily on hold.

    Although Jimmy's Egg is a solid company, they have been hit triply hard by Covid, the Covid death of founder Loc Le and the economic challenges of the last couple years.

  17. #167

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    Norman, as well as NW16th & May Avenue are both temporarily on hold.

    Although Jimmy's Egg is a solid company, they have been hit triply hard by Covid, the Covid death of founder Loc Le and the economic challenges of the last couple years.
    Understandable, but strange to me that they went ahead and demolished the building when they could've kept it open and running until they had solid plans in motion to rebuild.

  18. #168

    Default Re: Jimmy's Egg

    Quote Originally Posted by therhett17 View Post
    Speaking of 16th & May... what's the deal on the rebuild? Still an empty lot with a fence around it
    16 posts back in this thread:


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