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Thread: Lake Hefner at record low water levels, when will city buy Canton water?

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  1. #11
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Lake Hefner at record low water levels, when will city buy Canton water?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    As is per usual, folks are consuming media about ewater shortages in the American West and thinking that applies to Oklahoma. It very much doesn't. In fact, our most immediate backup water supply comes from western Oklahoma with an absolutely massive reservoir of untapped water in the East.

    This thread at times borders on ridiculous. At no time in the next 100+ years is central Oklahoma looking at a water shortage. In fact, many metropoli such as the DFW can't make similar claims. Unfortunately, the media in DFW and other similar areas barks up a storm about impending water crises whereas OWRB and OKC's water utility keeps quietly going about its business doing a bang-up job.

    So businesses are free to water the streets. Feel free to water your lawns every day. OKC is fine. If you want to have an ugly yard that's zero maintenance, xeriscaping is fine.

    All I ask is that folks who want to be chicken littles about the water situation in central Oklahoma, please keep it to yourselves or at least back up your doom and gloom with facts relevant to central Oklahoma.
    There’s zero reason to not be careful with the water (i.e. not water the streets), drought or not.
    Last edited by Martin; 10-24-2022 at 10:43 AM. Reason: removed personal attack

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