Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
being a teacher and a state level administrator are not the same thing ...

bending to the will of the teachers union is not a good thing .
Can you expand on that?

Walters was unqualified when he was appointed and has shown how unqualified he continues to be. He is not currently the state superintendent, so i'd be curious what things he has done, in your view, that makes him more qualified than his competitor. For me, the short time he's been in his current position, was enough to show me that he doesn't have a clue about what's best for PUBLIC education. He's perfectly happy to give it all away to private schools.

And how exactlly is anyone bending to teacher unions? The R party in the state has spent the better part of the last 15 years working to cut down funding for public ed. The strike was what was needed to force them to get off their duff and DO something. And quite a few teachers then won those legislator's seats in the next election. We're far from being where we need to be (since we're 49th in per student funding, and that already takes in to account the cost of living....49th, just behind Mississippi). That's a drop of at least 10 spots during that 15 years. How is that bending to unions? That's all on the R party in the capital.