Quote Originally Posted by soonergolfer View Post
You should probably add a little context to the situation.

By most accounts, Cale was in film session with his wide receivers group. All of the players have iPads and are supposed to be taking notes. During the session he asked a player a specific question and he didn't know the answer or wasn't paying attention. Cale grabbed his iPad and put it on the projector. Apparently, the player was looking up lyrics to rap music and Cale read it out loud. As it turns out, the lyrics had the N word in it, which Cale did say.

I am sure there will be different opinions on the situation, but this is where we are at in 2022.
Thank you. You posted this while I was typing mine out. Funny how people want to leave out important context and background. It's not meant to excuse anything but only having the end of the story without the details that led up to it is an act of deception.