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Thread: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

  1. #51

    Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    Actually he started tithing 20% years ago, I think their giving is much higher than that now not including offerings, and most of their income goes to various charities. His wife has a huge heart for serving and giving to others. Her wish every year for Christmas, birthday, etc. is to be able to give more to others.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    Too funny.

    How much (in actual dollars) is their donation? Or is that top secret? Is it 20% of his total income? How about his investment income? Does he count the housing and car allowances he no doubt receives from the church?

    I'll bet he has an extremely curious manner of defining "income."

    Well... knowing what he gives in dollars should tell us what his actual income is in the end. So what is it?

  3. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    I hear that the new tower downtown rumored to be for Devon is actually going to be new offices for the LifeChurch.tv empire.

  4. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    And they are going to purchase the naming rights for the new arena.

    Lifechurch.tv Colosseum.

  5. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    And they are going to purchase the naming rights for the new arena.

    Lifechurch.tv Colosseum.
    Sounds like an interesting place.

    Will they have fights-n-stuff there?

  6. #56

    Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    I heard they were angling to be granted tribal status so that they could open up lifecasino.tv.

  7. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    And isn't Groeshel in the running to be the next president of ORU?

  8. #58

    Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    You mean lifeuniversity.tv.edu, right?

  9. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    I heard he is starting a couple of new business ventures...Life-Mart.tv and McLifers.tv.

  10. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    This thread has me laughing out loud. Keep up the good work. Craig does not owe anything on his house and it has been that way before the church got big enough to make him a billionaire. He bought numerous houses in college and rented them out. Paid them off and then sold all of them when he got married to buy their first house. When they started having kids, they sold that house and bought one to fit the family and lived an extremely frugal lifestyle until it was paid off. He is a very generous guy and practices what he preaches about personal finance. Of course, that was all after he made a pact with satan.

  11. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    In other news... to expand their brand, I hear LifeChurch.tv is working a 12 billion dollar deal to buy naming rights to the state of Oklahoma. We will now be called LifeOK.tv. These are exciting times. This fresh new name should do wonders for our state. Cheers.

  12. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    metro, do you have the press release?

  13. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    One thing I find very interesting (as a former Life Church member) is that you can go online to find people's homes and taxes etc on the Oklahoma County Assessor's website - as public information. Most of the pastors of large churches in Oklahoma County are on there - such as Crossings Community Church and many other large churches. Guess which church mysteriously has found a loophole and not one pastor's home is listed on the county website? You got it - LifeChurch. And I know they don't all live outside Oklahoma County. So don't talk to me about transparency. And yes, before you ask, I have attended LifeChurch - I was one of the original members at the Edmond Campus, until I got tired of feeling like a herded cow in a big church "mall". The other thing I find interesting is this newfound message of rejecting consumerism. Really? I've never been to a church that wants its members to buy more "stuff" than LifeChurch. There is a t-shirt for everything, a new CD all of the time and bookstores in most of the locations.

    Anyway - don't tell me how transparent they all are - I know better.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    karlanee, it's not too tough to convey your property into a trust . Anyone who wants privacy can do such a thing -- and it's hardly a loophole.

  15. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    When every other large church pastors can be seen publicly, but every pastor at that church can't - it seems like a loophole to me.

  16. Default Re: Lifechurch plans growth at Edmond campus

    Quote Originally Posted by karlanee View Post
    When every other large church pastors can be seen publicly, but every pastor at that church can't - it seems like a loophole to me.
    If I can do it legally and easily, it's not a loophole...It's an option.

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