Yes, I understand, we drove to Sea World, but didn't want to drive from the hotel to the park and deal with or pay for parking, etc. It was just easier to hop on a free shuttle and get dropped off at the front door. Amusement park or resort developments of this magnitude are usually not built in a city center. They are usually on the outskirts of the city, so it will be interesting to see the civil engineering around this.
This is gonna be so awesome!
As great as this is -- and I know this is water long passed under the bridge -- I sure wish this was happening at the Producers Coop site. Would integrate much more into downtown and would have been a great use for that property.
Money is approved: Funding
JoAnna McSpadden of the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust and Chad Clayborn representing the Chickasaw Nation gave a presentation to Council about the proposed OKANA Resort and Water Park project planned by the Nation.
Tuesday’s request was for $102,200,000 to aid the Chickasaw Nation in building a destination resort and water park adjacent to the First Americans Museum that opened late last year.
The money will come from two Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts, TIFs numbers A and 14.
The total estimated cost of the development is over $342 million, with the Chickasaw Nation covering the costs beyond the TIF funds.
The project, called OKANA, will include an 11 floor hotel with over 400 rooms, a 100,000 square feet indoor water park, an approximately 4.5 acre outdoor “adventure lagoon,” a large retail space associated with the museum, and 36,000 sq ft of leasable retail and dining space. The resort will also feature a ferry landing on the Oklahoma River.
The project will spend approximately $34 million on site amelioration and preparation, as the site was formerly an oil field.
Site preparation began in March. Groundbreaking is to be determined, with a hopeful opening date in the second Quarter of 2024.
Council unanimously approved the item as part of the Consent Docket at Tuesday’s meeting.
They did it well. Nobody had to buy used smokers. Positive progress can be open on Sunday.
KOCO 5 NEWS ran a story and posted on FB that the Chickasaw Nation asked for $1.2 million in TIF funds. Facebook users are losing their minds with some of the comments. I posted the actual number but apparently nobody has read my post because I predict heads exploding when they see the actual number.As for me, I am all for it.
In a presentation to the Riverfront Redevelopment Authority, one of the engineers mentioned the plan was to tie ingress and egress into the existing intersection at I-35 and SE 15th.
It sounds like they will be making use of those on-ramps and off-ramps rather than constructing an entirely new exit/entrance from I-35. Which makes good sense.
They should put this on the NW corner of the campus, at the SE corner of I-35 and I-40
Oh I see, that makes sense. Still a costly bridge and dealing with the railroad.
That’s not a high use railroad line. I don’t think a bridge would even really be necessary. Per a 2018 Federal Railroad Authority crossing inventory of that same line across Eastern Ave show 5 trains a day. 2 daytime, 2 night, and 1 yard switcher. I bet that potential crossing is blocked no more than 15 minutes per 24 hours.
I don't know why I didn't even think of an at-grade crossing
You can see the outline of the new entrance road which will be built towards the south end of the development.
This is really going to spur more commercial development in the immediate area.
Which portions of this are expected to be part of the resort (i.e. no public access without staying at the resort)?
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