Thankyou for the name. I had remembered it actually sounded like a Whale and how it was the 'subject' of his work. But I forgot. I saw a rather impressive rendering in Honolulu that was one of his first. His art has turned from public art to corporate/commodity. I would toss him in with Kincaid and Chihuly. It still would have been better than the hokie dokie mural we have now. I am a big OKC supporter in the arts and the city. I definitely hate to bust up my own town, but I am getting sick of people not having a good understanding of contemporary art around here. Everyone thinks post-modernism/installations/performance art is still wacky. Although we have IAO and OVAC and a good underground scene. The city still needs to make a jump into current thinking within the arts. I cant imagine what many would think of my marine biology-science based art. Conceptual art still confuses many around here. LOL