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Thread: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

  1. #1

    Default Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    The poster known as MalibuSooner here...

    I'm very proud to announce that today I became the new owner of OKCTalk.

    Some know that I've long had an interest in investing in this site, and Todd and I have had discussions about that over the last couple of years. I greatly appreciate Todd giving me the opportunity to take over the reins and am very excited about the opportunity.

    In the short-term, nothing with change. In the longer-term, I hope to really grow the site in terms of many new users and services. I have strong belief this site has unlimited potential and in addition to my own ideas, I'd like to hear yours! Feel free to drop me a line at any time with feedback.

    Most of you know that I live in Southern California but I spent the first 30 years of my life in OKC and still have a tremedous passion for the community and the state. I love the idea of growing this site while at the same time serving the city and state that I love so much.

    Please join me in thanking Todd for getting us this far. We all wish him the very best as he pursues other important priorities.

    Also, thanks to the moderators/administrators for keeping this place going. I hope you'll continue to do the same great job and I will do my best to support you.

    And finally, I hope everyone here will continue to enjoy the site... The best is yet to come!



  2. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congratulations MalibuSooner...

    I've always been impressed with the passion you've shown for the state of Oklahoma. I know you will do a wonderful job on the site and I look forward to working together to make this site the best it can be.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    The poster known as MalibuSooner here...

    I'm very proud to announce that today I became the new owner of OKCTalk.

    Some know that I've long had a business interest in this site, and Todd and I have had discussions about that over the last couple of years. I greatly appreciate Todd giving me the opportunity to take over the reins and am very excited about the opportunity.

    In the short-term, nothing with change. In the longer-term, I hope to really grow the site in terms of many new users and services. I have strong belief this site has unlimited potential and in addition to my own ideas, I'd like to hear yours! Feel free to drop me a line at any time with feedback.

    Most of you know that I live in Southern California but I spent the first 30 years of my life in OKC and still have a tremedous passion for the community and the state. I love the idea of growing this site while at the same time serving the city and state that I love so much.

    Please join me in thanking Todd for getting us this far. We all wish him the very best as he pursues other important priorities.

    Also, thanks to the moderators/administrators for keeping this place going. I hope you'll continue to do the same great job and I will do my best to support you.

    And finally, I hope everyone here will continue to enjoy the site... The best is yet to come!


    Pete, congratulations on being the new owner. Let the mods/administrators know what we can do to help you out. I look forward to working with you. Do you know if Todd will continue to come to the forum, or is he gone?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congratulations, Pete/MalibuSooner!

    Glad to see OKCTalk is remaining in very good hands!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    oops...Posted on the goodbye thread I was concerned who was taking over...Guess I should have checked around b4 posting

    Anxiety is over...Congrats malibu and good luck in your quest to grow the site

  6. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congratulations! I am so glad to hear the site is in good hands. OKCTalk rolls on!


  7. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Bringing this to the top...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congrats! Like the others said...it ended up in the right hands.

  9. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    I was worried because I had heard a rumor that the domain www.okcsonics.com was up for sale with this forum, and had thought a good chance might happen that the buyer would want that very valuable domain and not care much for forum upkeep which is supposedly pretty pricey.

    I hope Malibu Sooner is up to the task of keeping this site up and running for however long OKC Talk can fulfill its purpose, hopefully for many years to come.

    I am also a bit apprehensive about the change in admin, as my admin and Todd's admin had gotten onto very peaceable terms, and the partnership was underway between the two websites. I don't know if that is off or still on now, but Malibu Sooner: If you're interested, all you've gotta do is shoot me a PM or an email and I'll be in touch within hours.

    Best of luck to Malibu Sooner and whoever will fill roles on his new admin.

  10. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congrats Malibu Sooner!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Spartan, the admins here will not change. Patrick, Keith and Karrie will continue on in their current roles and I'll have a hands-off approach.

    In fact, little will change in the short-term. And in the longer-term, all the things everyone loves about this site should stay the same and just be enhanced with more users and features.

    My number one goal is to have this site continue to serve OKC and the state as a whole.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    thanks 4 keeping it in the family!

  13. Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Quote Originally Posted by PUGalicious View Post
    Congratulations, Pete/MalibuSooner!

    Glad to see OKCTalk is remaining in very good hands!!!
    My sentiments exactly!

  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    You know, just when I thought I was going to have to leave and throw up my own site. LOL! I'm thrilled that MalibuSooner AKA Pete, is the new owner of OKCTalk. I actually think this is a better deal for OKCTalk over the longterm. I know Pete is doing this because he loves Oklahoma City, not because he wants to make loads of money, although I can tell him already that the latter won't happen here. Pete's activity here in the OKC Metro area talk forum is enough to reveal his love for OKC and his desire to serve this community, even though he's now living in California.

    I appreciate Todd for growing this site to what it is today, but I always knew that his interest wasn't always there....that interest we all have in downtown OKC!

    Thanks Pete for buying the site. And I'm glad that we finally have someone on board who wants to continue the renaissance of Oklahoma City.

    And, now that I know it's you, you have my complete support as Admin.

    Feel free to contact me anytime you have a problem, or anytime an issue arises on the site.

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner View Post
    Spartan, the admins here will not change. Patrick, Keith and Karrie will continue on in their current roles and I'll have a hands-off approach.

    In fact, little will change in the short-term. And in the longer-term, all the things everyone loves about this site should stay the same and just be enhanced with more users and features.

    My number one goal is to have this site continue to serve OKC and the state as a whole.
    Hmmm. Nice how you say "serve OKC". I like that. I've been so used to hearing how we can grow OKCTalk to make money it's almost music to my ears to hear that someone actually owns OKCTalk because they know it's a service to the city of Oklahoma City, providing the people here a voice to city leaders.

    MalibuSooner, I hope you'll consider this your hobby, and continue to allow this to be a service to the citizens of OKC, and never see it as a business to make money.

    You have my complete support.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Congrats Malibu..

    And Congratulations OKCTALK...

    If you need anything let me know. I cant be online as much as I was so I stepped down from moderating. There was other issues that also helped me make that choice.

    I am hoping to see this forum not as negative as it has been. Maybe some change will come

    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    What is the future of this site? Is the site in need of donations ? How is it being funded? (entirely by the owner?)

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hello OKCTalk! I'm the proud new owner

    Sorry for not responding to the questions posed earlier.

    The site is entirely funded by yours truly and donations/subscriptions.

    However, at the very least I'd like to bring in some revenue through unobtrusive banner headlines and the like. I've received lots of interest in this sort of thing but not quite ready to roll it out.

    In the near future, we will be consolidating some of the forums and adding features. We're working on all that now.

    As always, I'm open to all input. My main goal of OKCTalk is to serve the community, however that may be.


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