Anyone care to make a guess on which station will go "All Christmas" first? Will it be KISS? Magic? Bob? How about The Sports Animal? (It's A Jim Traber Christmas)
Anyone care to make a guess on which station will go "All Christmas" first? Will it be KISS? Magic? Bob? How about The Sports Animal? (It's A Jim Traber Christmas)
The usual shaky sources say "a Citadel station, very soon" and Bob FM.
the morning crew on BOB said "No Way" this a.m. about playing the Christmas music, so I sure hope they were tellin' the truth. That sucked last year . . .
To be honest, I would hope so as well (even though I love Christmas music and otherwise holiday music in general; much of it is reminiscent of early popular music I like). A few years back, Christmas music started about the first week of November. The complaints must have come in by droves, since the music has started later and later since then. Though, the pessimist in me wonders if they'll renege on this impromptu verbal contract and broadcast it anyway, saying something like "WE aren't playing it! The computer is!", or maybe even just write it off as a bald-faced lie in true morning-jock fashion.
I don't think December 1st is too much to ask for starting the Christmas music scheduling (notice I didn't say 24/7). However, I'm sure TPTB would disagree on that one.
I heard that this a.m. as well. They sounded pretty convincing. Poor Stacy Barton had to be the voice of all of that stuff around the clock last year on BOB. She didn't sound like she wanted to do it again this year.
I'm a fan of BOB but if they do it again this year I am gone...XM will get my business.
I don't mind a few christmas songs here and there....but 24 hours a day for over a month??? Unless I work at North Poll City I'm saying "No Thanks!!!"
Heard the BOB morning show say once again this A.M. that there was "no way" that they would be doing Christmas music this year except for maybe Christmas morning.
We will know which station it will be within the next week. Citadel is known for telling the listners one thing and doing another.
A few years back, they made everyone think that Jack and Ron were leaving KYIS on Friday of that particular week. On the said Friday they did a live remote to say goodbye to their fans. At the last minute of the broadcast one of bosses with Citadel shows up with contracts urging them to stay on the air with KYIS.
Citadel's talent has no clue what is going with the station. WKY Supertalk 930 got shut down with only a few hours notice to the on air talent.
Well this was the third day in a row that the BOB morning show has made it clear that they won't do it. I'd hate to think that Citadel management would let them say that repeatedly only to pull the rug out from under them. Wouldn't that be counter-productive on Citadel's part?
No all-Christmas, but:
98.9 played the first Christmas music that I know of short of 9:00 this morning---Nuttin' For Christmas by Barry Gordon and Hippopotamus For Christmas by Gayla Peevey, replete with somewhat-stifled commentary from Jack and Ron. KYIS is a Citadel station.
Looks like Magic 104.1 starting on Friday.
Yep! Magic is doing Christmas 24/7. Seems to fit pretty good on that station.
I wonder if 104.1 FM will still have Disco on Saturday nights?
I doubt it....unless it's an all disco Christmas
Is there a station here that plays Musical Starstreams (the exotic side of radio)?
Closest affiliate appears to be in Austin (unless I misread), but you can listen online at Starstreams .
You might take a look at the KGOU/KROU website. They used broadcast the "Hearts of Space" program on a fairly regular basis, but I'm not sure if it's still on.
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