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Thread: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

  1. Default What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    You probably know that I am heading to Dallas. Although I'm a bit mad about that now because I've received two offers for free tickets to the OU game. This weekend better be awesome.

    What are you doing?
    If you can dream it, you can do it!

  2. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    I've been trying to give my tickets away for a week, no one (including me) wants to waste time watching Baylor (disgrace to the Big 12.....). This weekend is "Misty Time" weekend before all the hectic-ness of the rest of the year starts. Me+no phone+no visitors+adult beverage or two=heaven. The funny thing is, I do this often enough that when my friends ask what my plans are and I say "misty time" they know exactly what that means and to leave me alone LOL

    Have fun in D CMS.

  3. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    I plan on getting pretty drunk and building forts.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty View Post
    I've been trying to give my tickets away for a week, no one (including me) wants to waste time watching Baylor (disgrace to the Big 12.....). This weekend is "Misty Time" weekend before all the hectic-ness of the rest of the year starts. Me+no phone+no visitors+adult beverage or two=heaven. The funny thing is, I do this often enough that when my friends ask what my plans are and I say "misty time" they know exactly what that means and to leave me alone LOL

    Have fun in D CMS.
    They had the same problem in Michigan earlier in the year when nobody wanted to watch the Appalachian State blowout (APP STATE WON). No, it's probably not going to happen (I certainly HOPE not!), but.....Any Given Saturday.

    I'll be there. If nothing else, it's going to be a beautiful, wonderful, perfect day for football!

    Oh, I'm also going to see the new thriller Lions for Lambs with Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. I may do a twofer as this will probably be the last chance to see Michael Clayton again on the big screen. GREAT movie! It's got a 90% at Rotten Tomatoes.

  5. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    You made me feel like a bad fan

    My friends like to get there hours and hours early and I just can't spend an entire day in Norman again this weekend. Driving myself is out of the question because I hate to drive, especially more than 5 miles one way. So you see my dilemma.....

  6. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by SpectralMourning View Post
    I plan on getting pretty drunk and building forts.
    Your ideas intrigue me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty View Post
    You made me feel like a bad fan

    My friends like to get there hours and hours early and I just can't spend an entire day in Norman again this weekend. Driving myself is out of the question because I hate to drive, especially more than 5 miles one way. So you see my dilemma.....
    I do understand. You're not a bad fan. I'm surprised you are a fan at all!. Aren't you from Austin?

  8. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    I do understand. You're not a bad fan. I'm surprised you are a fan at all!. Aren't you from Austin?
    How dare you! Yes, but I love OU Football! I was one of the three people in Austin brave enough to wear my OU shirt (at least when we were in a group). You have no idea how hard it is to be the only OU fan at a Texas football watch party....and have OU beat Texas....and be the only one at the party smiling....talk about scary.....

  9. #9

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Busy...Busy....Busy! Feel like I need some of that "Misty Time" you're talking about. Birthday party tonight at Eischen's, OU watch party at my house tomorrow, then brunch with friends on Sunday a.m. and my weekly themed "Sunday Fun-day" party at my house on Sunday Evening....for this week's "White Trash Football Feeding Frenzy"....pigs in blankets, chili, beer, etc. Last week was an Asian Extravaganza...Chicken Rolls, dumplings, stir fry and Asahi! Whew! Tired already.

  10. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    I'll be at the OU game on Saturday evening, and then who knows where else after that.

  11. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Sheesh, I have a boring life. I have no plans... when did I turn into such a fuddy duddy?

    I remember the day when my weekend started Friday afternoon and it was a blur until Sunday night... fun, fun.. now? heavy sigh..

    I guess I grew up and got old without even realizing it.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Staying home all weekend and probably next in order to have a smooth introduction of a stray dog the we found behind CVS in the Asian District into our existing one-dog household:
    Jack the Pumpkin King


    Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics

  13. #13

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Nice pictures. Just curious, what do you do with Jack during the day when you are at work. Does he stay home alone? We are thinking about moving downtown but are concerned what to do with our Molly during the day without a yard. She is not kind to the house or the contents therein when left alone.

  14. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    Nice pictures. Just curious, what do you do with Jack during the day when you are at work. Does he stay home alone? We are thinking about moving downtown but are concerned what to do with our Molly during the day without a yard. She is not kind to the house or the contents therein when left alone.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Sheesh, I have a boring life. I have no plans... when did I turn into such a fuddy duddy?

    I remember the day when my weekend started Friday afternoon and it was a blur until Sunday night... fun, fun.. now? heavy sigh..

    I guess I grew up and got old without even realizing it.
    You just said what I think all the time. I have plans this weekend, but it's not the norm. I remember those days too, it seemed like I lived to sneak away from work early Friday and it was party time, fun, fun, non-stop until late Sunday. More often than not I now wonder where all that energy came from. I'm lucky to do one or two things now without feeling I need to get home and relax. It's weird isn't it?

  16. #16

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    I did have a full weekend of activities planned until I yanked my back out this morning. Now, it's tv and web trolling! Yea!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    4 yr old had a soccer game at 9. 6 yr old had one at 1:30. Turkey Bingo at 6 tonight. Tommorrow going to go out to Roman Nose park and enjoy the day with my 3 sons and lovely wife.

    Not the same as 20 yrs ago but just as fun just in a rewarding way instead of a hangover way.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    I tried that but she is not too kind to the crate. I ended up cleaning the crate and her every day for months before I figured she didn't mind rolling in her own filth.

  19. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Turkey Bingo at 6 tonight.
    I had to laugh at that one. I'm sure it's fun.. but like I said, I think we all grew up without even realizing it!

    Now Roman Nose sounds great.

    Usually, I have plans to do a few things each weekend, but it's been so swamped with our business, we really have no time to make long term plans for the weekends ...it should get better shortly, hopefully.

    I did go see P2 - a scary movie with my teenager - I say pass on that one. And I had Fish Tacos at On the Border.. always delicious.. and now, I'm going to watch a video with the kids later and chill... some more. lol
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  20. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCCrime View Post
    Staying home all weekend and probably next in order to have a smooth introduction of a stray dog the we found behind CVS in the Asian District into our existing one-dog household:
    Jack the Pumpkin King


    Oklahoma City Crime - Crime Maps, Reports and Statistics
    Enjoying your Jack the Pumpkin King blog...cute pics. I'll be checking back to see how things are going. Congrats on your new family member.

    As for what I'm doing this weekend...studying and laying low. Ever since I started going back to school, it seems my weekends are entirely study-related. Not feeling too good today though, so I'm watching some TV when it suits me (in between reading and web surfing).
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  21. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Went to Dan McGuinness last night for a generous meal of Bangers & Mash and a few Smittick's before having a few Smittick's, then I headed over and had some Smittick's.

    Today I went to Harkins and caught that bee movie, walked around downtown for a bit, had a root beer float, and I'm about to go to a friends house for some football and maybe some Smittick's.

  22. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Hmmm...for some reason, I'm suddenly in the mood for some Smittick's.
    "The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw

  23. Default Re: What are you doing this weekend? # 9,502,630

    Thanks Daisy!

    CCOKC, sounds like your dog would need to be crate trained. We're crate training our existing dog and she is taking to it. The trick is to do it slowly. You just can't pop an outside dog in a crate while you are away at work for 8 hours.

    I found out that a crate won't magically keep a dog from urinating this weekend. One of the first things Jack did was urinate in the crate. Jack isn't potty trained any more (if he ever was). My fault for assuming he might be.

    We believe he was a stray for some time and may have been an outside dog with a previous owner. Luckily he is a pup and will learn. Outside dogs don't learn to control their drinking or their bladder in the same way that an inside dog does. The outside dog just goes when it need to and drinks when it is thirsty. My other dog is 11 years old and she can easily go eight hours without a trip outside. It took her 4 years to build up to that.

    We're training Jack like a puppy. We visit the grass outside our complex once every 1-2 hours depending. We also limit his water in the evening to avoid night-time accidents. Luckily, I run my own startup company so I have a lot of flexibility with when and where I work.


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