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Thread: Norman Tower

  1. #1

    Default Norman Tower

    Has construction started yet on the tower? any photos?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    They are just moving dirt around right now trying to get the site ready.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    ^ That's for a car dealership. I've heard Norman Tower is currently on hold.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    On hold, as in not gonna happen? Or waiting for construction to start?

  5. Default Re: Norman Tower

    What is Norman Tower? How tall, who will occupy?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  6. Default Re: Norman Tower

    The tower was part of the MG towers deal, wich has gone flop.

  7. Default Re: Norman Tower

    Like it was ever needed...especially there. If anything put a new office building in downtown Norman...say on the site of the old Hobby Lobby.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Like it was ever needed...especially there. If anything put a new office building in downtown Norman...say on the site of the old Hobby Lobby.
    That's what I'm saying! That stretch of Main in between Flood and downtown is just BEGGING to be redeveloped into something great, a true gateway to downtown Norman and also to Campus Corner and OU via University Blvd. It would not be difficult to buy both the Hobby Lobby and the strip center across the street and demolish them making way for more office space, some residential units, and additional retail/restaurants along Main.

  9. Default Re: Norman Tower

    Yeah...it wouldn't be hard to put a development there similar to Lindsey and 12th street. Then a nice office build across the street - maybe even a skywalk between the two? Just something to urbanize Oklahoma's 3rd largest city a bit and give it a progressive feel. Plus it would push them to redo Main Street right there. LOL

  10. #10

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    I would like to see the Main Street improvements extended west to Flood (or even Berry) and requirements for all new buildings to front the street with parking behind except for angled parking along Main. Main REALLY needs to be 2 way and improving this stretch along with making the street 2 way would really help things. I think this stretch (Flood to University) is also a good place for the new Norman library and could really be something spectacular for the community with good visibility along one of the main corridors. Then a good mix of office space, residential units, and street level retail/restaurants would really enliven this part of the city. A lot is happening downtown but it seems it's more in the eastern (old town) part and not the western half that connects to OU and Campus Corner! I would also really like to see Chautauqua extended to Main if that strip mall was torn down, it never made sense to me why such an important street from Hwy. 9 through the western fringe of campus dead-ended at Comanche?

    This is a similar downtown-campus gateway revitalization being done in small, suburban College Park, MD:

  11. Default Re: Norman Tower

    Looks like Interurban will be going on the plot of land that they wanted to build that tower. Hopefully this time around they will be able to stay in business in Norman unlike their last attempt.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    im sure they will considering it was their first store, and now they're 7 stores strong

  13. Default Re: Norman Tower

    where was the original interurban at in norman?

  14. Default Re: Norman Tower

    If memory serves me correct...Main Street downtown right along the tracks on the north side of the street (west of the tracks). I ate there a couple times and enjoyed it, but then they closed it down and retreated to Mustang.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    The original Interurban was in the old interurban station on Main across the street from Coach's. That was how the Interurban restaurant got it's name. Because the first one was in the Interurban station. I really don't know why they ever closed it down. But back in the 80's it was a pretty happenin' place.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    I think Benvenuti's is in that location now?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    yes...the old IU is now benvs...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Norman Tower

    I am long gone from Norman now, but recall eating at IU in Lawton and Edmond and tose were/are just in strip malls! The REAL Interurban was IN the Interurban station!

    The Interurban, like LA's Red Cars--gone too soon for "progress", now turned into interstate/freeway traffic jams. Now we BEG for mass transit.

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