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Thread: Braum's

  1. #1526

    Default Re: Braum's

    I'd like to ask an update as to the shakes. Are they still only available as ice cream with the special milk, nothing else?

  2. #1527

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Kimball View Post
    I'd like to ask an update as to the shakes. Are they still only available as ice cream with the special milk, nothing else?
    Oh don't get this thread started on that again!

  3. #1528

    Far West Re: Braum's

    The new Braums at SW 29th and Sara Rd is now open. It's the biggest Braums I've ever seen.

  4. #1529

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Wishbone View Post
    The new Braums at SW 29th and Sara Rd is now open. It's the biggest Braums I've ever seen.
    Largest Braums In the State of Oklahoma according to their facebook page. I wonder how they are staffing it. Seriously I have totally stopped going to the one by the outlet mall. They never have staff. Hopefully this Braums won't be as bad

  5. #1530

    Default Re: Braum's

    It's so big I thought maybe they were moving their headquarters there or something. I'll try and get pics of it and post it. The other thing is they just opened another Braums at I40 and Morgan road so not sure why the one on Sara is so massive.

  6. #1531

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Wishbone View Post
    It's so big I thought maybe they were moving their headquarters there or something. I'll try and get pics of it and post it. The other thing is they just opened another Braums at I40 and Morgan road so not sure why the one on Sara is so massive.
    And mustang road and i-40. If you live in westbury subdivision you have like 3 braums within 5 min drive. I guess that is a good thing but also seems like they would compete with one another.

  7. #1532

    Default Re: Braum's

    Speaking of Braums anyone use their car side service. I tried it twice when it first rolled out and both times it didn't go well. Once I had to call like after being there over 10 minutes and the other time I just went in after about 10 minutes and said where is my order. My friends that wokr at a few location says no one uses it at there store at all. I'm sure it's popular at some locations and not at all at others. The $20 minimum probably doesn't help either as 2 milk 2 ice cream 3 pints and your still don't hit $20.

  8. #1533

    Default Re: Braum's

    Ground work is being done on the lot behind On-Cue at NW 150th & May, which has been mentioned as a proposed Braums.

  9. #1534

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by corwin1968 View Post
    Ground work is being done on the lot behind On-Cue at NW 150th & May, which has been mentioned as a proposed Braums.
    County Assessor's info checks out. Will be interesting to see if they find anything in the construction, considering what I've heard about the cemetery next to it

  10. #1535

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by corwin1968 View Post
    Ground work is being done on the lot behind On-Cue at NW 150th & May, which has been mentioned as a proposed Braums.
    I posted these images upthread:

  11. #1536

    South OKC Re: Braum's

    Just a note for those already weary. . .

    I work nights on the Southside, and about two weeks ago we sent one of our employees over to Braum's to grab some dinner. As I was eating the "regular hamburger" I noticed something not right, and pulled out a roughly 12" very dark hair from the hamburger. I'll not say specifically which Braum's, but mid Southwest side. . .Think near a drive-in. . .

    The whole meal went in the trash and NEVER AGAIN BRAUMS. That went for our whole crew who ordered food from Braum's that evening.

    Sorry, a foot long hair does not just "accidentally" find its way into a hamburger. Just the thought of the place makes now me want to puke, and I am usually not squeamish.
    Last edited by whorton; 07-17-2022 at 08:03 PM. Reason: incorrect placement of editing cue

  12. #1537

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    Just a note for those already weary. . .

    I work nights on the Southside, and about two weeks ago we sent one of our employees over to Braum's to grab some dinner. As I was eating the "regular hamburger" I noticed something not right, and pulled out a roughly 12" very dark hair from the hamburger. I'll not say specifically which Braum's, but mid Southwest side. . .Think near a drive-in. . .

    The whole meal went in the trash and NEVER AGAIN BRAUMS. That went for our whole crew who ordered food from Braum's that evening.

    Sorry, a foot long hair does not just "accidentally" find its way into a hamburger. Just the thought of the place makes now me want to puke, and I am usually not squeamish.
    People lose hair all the time, by the hundreds. Why would a person with foot long hair be different? Braum's places them in every restaurant just for fun, you know.

    It's still gross, but assuming something nefarious isn't 100% fair.

  13. #1538

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    Just a note for those already weary. . .

    I work nights on the Southside, and about two weeks ago we sent one of our employees over to Braum's to grab some dinner. As I was eating the "regular hamburger" I noticed something not right, and pulled out a roughly 12" very dark hair from the hamburger. I'll not say specifically which Braum's, but mid Southwest side. . .Think near a drive-in. . .

    The whole meal went in the trash and NEVER AGAIN BRAUMS. That went for our whole crew who ordered food from Braum's that evening.

    Sorry, a foot long hair does not just "accidentally" find its way into a hamburger. Just the thought of the place makes now me want to puke, and I am usually not squeamish.
    You'll live lol

    I feel like Braums quality has improved exponentially over the last few years.

  14. #1539

    Default Re: Braum's

    Speaking of Braums anyone used their fresh market pickup? I tired it once when they first started doing it after waiting 10 minutes I finally just went inside. Friends that I have that work there say no one uses it.at least at their locations I been seeing a lot of Commercials for it lately.

  15. #1540

    Default Re: Braum's

    Since Bricktown Ballpark has put up the Braum's advertisements in the stadium, I think it begs the question when will Braum's open an urban location!?! There is only Marble Slab and the gelato inside the candy shop. Certainly we could support a small urban styled Braum's!!

  16. #1541

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyShack View Post
    Since Bricktown Ballpark has put up the Braum's advertisements in the stadium, I think it begs the question when will Braum's open an urban location!?! There is only Marble Slab and the gelato inside the candy shop. Certainly we could support a small urban styled Braum's!!
    This would be a dream. Although I doubt they will ever stray from the Suburban style with the drive-thru. The closest one to downtown is the beat up one on Classen and 17th. Which is easily the worst Braums ever (including service). I wonder if it is on their store refresh schedule.

  17. #1542

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    This would be a dream. Although I doubt they will ever stray from the Suburban style with the drive-thru. The closest one to downtown is the beat up one on Classen and 17th. Which is easily the worst Braums ever (including service). I wonder if it is on their store refresh schedule.
    For some reason, I am under the impression that Braums owns the lots immediately behind the 17th/classen location (and has for several years). That is why I have been surprised that they haven't rebuilt this location.

  18. #1543

    Default Re: Braum's

    The only thing we ever buy from Braum's is their eggnog - huge disappointment this year. Used to be the only one we'd buy because it was the best - richest, best tasting, thickest, etc. Now it's not - not as deep yellow of a color (not as many egg yolks), not as thick, and not as tasty (not enough spices), and on top of that, it's now $5.99, which is a 50% increase over last year (I think it was $3.99). Everybody will still buy it because it's Braum's, but I'm done with them.

  19. #1544

    Default Re: Braum's

    Knock on wood but Braums Whole Milk is by far the best whole milk IMO. Ralph’s brand whole milks comes in at a solid second for me. I’ve had a few glasses of Eggnog most without liquor some with it but overall I haven’t noticed a difference. Then again I’m not the biggest fan of it anymore.

  20. #1545

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Knock on wood but Braums Whole Milk is by far the best whole milk IMO. Ralph’s brand whole milks comes in at a solid second for me. I’ve had a few glasses of Eggnog most without liquor some with it but overall I haven’t noticed a difference. Then again I’m not the biggest fan of it anymore.
    Braum's whole milk is very good, but I don't like their business practices (and their attempted purchase of the Donnay bldg), so eggnog is the only thing we (used to) buy there. For milk, we're lucky that the Homeland on 18th/Classen carries half-gallons of Marak whole milk, it's fantastic (if you're not a heavy milk drinker, you have to shake it up every day so it won't turn into cream).

  21. #1546

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    The only thing we ever buy from Braum's is their eggnog - huge disappointment this year. Used to be the only one we'd buy because it was the best - richest, best tasting, thickest, etc. Now it's not - not as deep yellow of a color (not as many egg yolks), not as thick, and not as tasty (not enough spices), and on top of that, it's now $5.99, which is a 50% increase over last year (I think it was $3.99). Everybody will still buy it because it's Braum's, but I'm done with them.
    A google search indicates egg nogg prices are way up nationwide this year. Looks like there are some butter issues with supply chain as well. So far as recollections of color and taste from years past, those are subjective. If you just don't like it this year, maybe try Whole Foods? It has good reviews.

  22. #1547

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    A google search indicates egg nogg prices are way up nationwide this year. Looks like there are some butter issues with supply chain as well. So far as recollections of color and taste from years past, those are subjective. If you just don't like it this year, maybe try Whole Foods? It has good reviews.
    Yeah, there are a few other options that are acceptable, it's just that Braum's was the gold (ha) standard. I'm guessing avian flu, and all the other environmental stuff that's happened has made them be cheaper in the manufacturing process and charge more, but it's still not cool (just as it's not cool with every other major manufacturer of almost anything charging more just because they can, because of "inflation", which is mainly caused by corporate greed - https://www.salon.com/2022/10/19/kat...ation_partner/)

  23. Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Homeland on 18th/Classen carries half-gallons of Marak whole milk, it's fantastic (if you're not a heavy milk drinker, you have to shake it up every day so it won't turn into cream).
    Love Marak's milk... Not for drinking but it's the only milk I know of in the area that isn't Ultra Pasteurized so it's a great option to make cheese with.

  24. #1549

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger S View Post
    Love Marak's milk... Not for drinking but it's the only milk I know of in the area that isn't Ultra Pasteurized so it's a great option to make cheese with.
    Your post about it a while back is what made us try it (all the other brands carried by HL aren't as good or go bad quickly (or both, like Hiland, ugh)), thank you for that.

  25. #1550

    Default Re: Braum's

    Try Fairlife milk. What you buy now has an expiration date in Feb 23. They say 2 weeks after it's opened. It's all I've been drinking for the last year or so.

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