Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
3,003 new cases were reported today alone.

That is the largest single-day figure since August.

7-day average now 1,561, the highest since September.
Thank you for posting. I was wondering if you would consider going back to daily updates (I imagine that's a lot of extra work).

I have been doing more and more things lately: going out to eat, attending small indoor gatherings with other vaccinated people, going to shows at Tower and Ponyboy where vaccines are required. Looks like I'm going to hunker down for a while until this wave blows over.

I have had my Pfizer booster, and plan on getting another shot when my six months runs out at the end of February; likely I will boost with Moderna the next time.

Studies are preliminary but Omnicron seems to go after folks who have not been vaccinated, but also those who have not had boosters. Seems to be less dire in terms of hospitalizations and deaths but it's a little early to say.

It's been so hard to get people in Oklahoma and other states to get their initial vaccines. The thought of trying to get many folks to get boosters seems like a serious uphill climb.