Originally Posted by
Bill Robertson
I just read an article on KFOR about this. One quote from a homeowner says he was told by ONG that "We've really never seen anything like this happen before and highly doubt it was the system at fault". They have seen this before. In Jan of either 2015 or 16, I don't remember now, a house just NW of 122nd & Rockwell blew up in the wee hours of the morning. I know this well because my ex and I had that house built and were the first owners. I still knew a few neighbors that had houses damaged, a couple severely, from that explosion. ONG concluded that is was a bunch of bad fittings on the gas main. The gas leaked, followed the service line to the house and entered from below. Then when a thermostat or ? made a spark boom! ONG replaced a bunch of lines in that addition and where we are now which is nearby.