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Thread: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

  1. #1

    Default House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    I just read an article on KFOR about this. One quote from a homeowner says he was told by ONG that "We've really never seen anything like this happen before and highly doubt it was the system at fault". They have seen this before. In Jan of either 2015 or 16, I don't remember now, a house just NW of 122nd & Rockwell blew up in the wee hours of the morning. I know this well because my ex and I had that house built and were the first owners. I still knew a few neighbors that had houses damaged, a couple severely, from that explosion. ONG concluded that is was a bunch of bad fittings on the gas main. The gas leaked, followed the service line to the house and entered from below. Then when a thermostat or ? made a spark boom! ONG replaced a bunch of lines in that addition and where we are now which is nearby.

  2. #2

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    I live nearby and thought something fell on my house.

    Neighbors in the immediate area of the explosion reported that ONG had recently been working in the area.

    This is a photo:

  3. #3

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I just read an article on KFOR about this. One quote from a homeowner says he was told by ONG that "We've really never seen anything like this happen before and highly doubt it was the system at fault". They have seen this before. In Jan of either 2015 or 16, I don't remember now, a house just NW of 122nd & Rockwell blew up in the wee hours of the morning. I know this well because my ex and I had that house built and were the first owners. I still knew a few neighbors that had houses damaged, a couple severely, from that explosion. ONG concluded that is was a bunch of bad fittings on the gas main. The gas leaked, followed the service line to the house and entered from below. Then when a thermostat or ? made a spark boom! ONG replaced a bunch of lines in that addition and where we are now which is nearby.
    i also remember something similar happening around 8 years ago in a neighborhood near sw 89th & penn.

    edit: found it... House explodes in southwest Oklahoma City - Article Photos (oklahoman.com)

  4. #4

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    I remember that one too.

    I guess ONG's initial responses are going to fall under CYA.

  5. #5

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    I was home and quite near this explosion, I actually went out and walked around my building to see if something hit it or fell on it. My first though was "did a car just slam into the building"?

  6. #6

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    I was home and quite near this explosion, I actually went out and walked around my building to see if something hit it or fell on it. My first though was "did a car just slam into the building"?
    I did the same and so did several of my neighbors.

  7. #7

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    There was the house in (or near) Edmond last year, and the house right by Wilson elementary school 10-15 years ago that both come to mind quickly. I think houses blow up more often that we like to think. It is rarely the gas company's fault.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    My understanding was that the owners of the house in this most recent incident had only owned the home for a few months, so not sure how it could be their fault.

  9. #9

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    My understanding was that the owners of the house in this most recent incident had only owned the home for a few months, so not sure how it could be their fault.
    Not that it matters, but it's a rental house and has had the same out-of-state owners for 15 years.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    Ah, maybe it was the tenants that moved in 3 months ago. Close friend lives very close and was telling me about it but I wasn't clear on all the deets.

  11. #11

    Default Re: House That Blew Up Near 40th & Penn

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    I was home and quite near this explosion, I actually went out and walked around my building to see if something hit it or fell on it. My first though was "did a car just slam into the building"?
    Yep. I am just a few blocks south of this house, and it felt like a huge thud suddenly hitting the house in a sudden. I initially thought it was one of those brief, punchy earthquakes, but ran to the front door in time to see a ball of smoke rising from the house. Some folks on Nextdoor have shared video from their Ring camera of the debris falling from the initial explosion. Scary stuff. Did they ever determine what the cause was?

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