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Thread: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

  1. #1

    Default Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Apparently arising from a recording of an off-air conversation regarding the naming of the Washington Football Team from about five years ago, Sam Mayes announced that he has been terminated from Tyler Media (Franchise). Cara Rice has also apparently been terminated for something related to the same incident.

    Mayes has issued a formal statement on his Twitter account. Have heard nothing from Rice.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    If you hear what they both had to say, it was pretty reprehensible.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    If you hear what they both had to say, it was pretty reprehensible.
    Did not hear it at all. Given the speed and suddenness of their terminations, I had to assume it was pretty bad.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Here's the hot mic audio:


    Here's Mayes' statement:


    I agree with him that he's not the main actor here, but even continuing that discussion ain't great.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Not only were the comments reprehensible but Sam is an idiot for not knowing Natives have been agitating against the Redskins name forever.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by PoliSciGuy View Post
    Here's the hot mic audio:


    Here's Mayes' statement:


    I agree with him that he's not the main actor here, but even continuing that discussion ain't great.
    He asked a very loaded question with the obvious intent to go down a very negative path then was the first to make a horrific comment about inhalants. In fact, given how quickly and easily the two went into a slurfest it would be hard to believe they hadn't talked that way before.

    His 'apology' isn't one at all; he's trying to throw his coworker under the bus after he not only started the exchange then was quick to contribute a slur. IMO, attempting to blame Cara Rice only makes him look worse, which is saying something given his recorded remarks.

    It would be hard to say more offensive things in this state and he has no career outside Oklahoma.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    I took a glance at Twitter out of curiosity to how people were responding. I probably shouldn’t be but I’m kind of surprised how many people were defending some form of Sam Mayes being less responsible since Cara Rice was more overtly racist, their right to a private conversation should limit the public scrutiny of what was said, termination being improper since it happened in 2016, or just general “Tyler Media really made a mistake for firing you.” It didn’t seem a lot was said about Cara Rice - besides using what she said as the measuring stick for Sam Mayes level of accountability - but I was looking at the responses in his replies and those quoting his apology Tweet. I don’t have the heart to dig further given the sensitivity of it all (my wife and I are both Native) but it’s always hard to fathom that so many seem to gloss over what was said for the sake of standing up to what they perceive cancel culture is. That seems to be a response a lot of times to things like this, although to be sure it’s not universal or even the majority response (usually). It’s just weird and tiring that it’s a regular response to see when someone says derogatory things about another group of people.

    One thing that makes me slightly sardonic when these things take a more political/cultural path is when there’s a subset that says “cancel culture and the woke mob are getting out of control” while another subset declare “I will never listen to The Franchise/Tyler Media again” all while both begin with the view that an injustice has been directed toward their perceived victim. You’d think those two beliefs would come from opposing perspectives since there is an attempt to cancel the person/group they disagree with and then a view that canceling the person/group they agree with is not the way to handle the situation, but no, they both come from the same perspective. I know I’m bastardizing the nuances in thought processes when I say all that and people can support the same thing while having different approaches to their views, but I just find a wry humor in it all at the surface level.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    I have no idea who those two are, but since it's from 5 years ago, I think someone, maybe even at Tyler Media, sat on this for years, just waiting for what they perceived to be the right time to drop the hammer. The most interesting is Who? And Why?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but they talked about how if this got out they would lose their jobs. They both knew how wrong this was.

  10. Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Interesting, but I have never heard of this and don't even know who they are.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Sam was the only person I tuned into still on The Franchise. I had almost completely converted to The Ref.

    I have no idea how the three local sports stations ratings compare to each other, but I don’t envision The Franchise surviving.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Sam was the only person I tuned into still on The Franchise. I had almost completely converted to The Ref.

    I have no idea how the three local sports stations ratings compare to each other, but I don’t envision The Franchise surviving.
    Interesting, because most of the people I know (including myself) listen to the Franchise primarily. I definitely check out the others from time to time though.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Interesting, because most of the people I know (including myself) listen to the Franchise primarily. I definitely check out the others from time to time though.
    Just curious of which personality on the franchise do you like listening to? Steely and Sam Mayes were the only ones I enjoyed listening to. There’s some people on there that are unlistenable to me.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Just curious of which personality on the franchise do you like listening to? Steely and Sam Mayes were the only ones I enjoyed listening to. There’s some people on there that are unlistenable to me.
    I like Eddie and Todd. Todd holds over on Dylan's show so I keep listening. Not as big on him. Then in afternoon it's Jerry and Kelly Gregg. I like Kelly, not as big on Jerry. In my group they seem to listen to these same people as I find these are the guys we are always talking about.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I like Eddie and Todd. Todd holds over on Dylan's show so I keep listening. Not as big on him. Then in afternoon it's Jerry and Kelly Gregg. I like Kelly, not as big on Jerry. In my group they seem to listen to these same people as I find these are the guys we are always talking about.
    I'm with you on Jerry Ramsey. He really thinks he's funny. He is not. I have no idea how he's still on the air.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I'm with you on Jerry Ramsey. He really thinks he's funny. He is not. I have no idea how he's still on the air.
    I actually like him more than I did, but that's not saying much. His sense of humor is hard to take because it's always on and brash and that's hard to take all_the_time.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I like Eddie and Todd. Todd holds over on Dylan's show so I keep listening. Not as big on him. Then in afternoon it's Jerry and Kelly Gregg. I like Kelly, not as big on Jerry. In my group they seem to listen to these same people as I find these are the guys we are always talking about.
    Todd is unlistenable to me. Even though they're completely different, he reminds me of Spinozi on the Morning Animal. Both come off as these self-righteous know-it-alls that are just annoying af. I'm ok with Kelly Gregg but don't get the opportunity to listen to him as much b/c of the time slot.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Todd is unlistenable to me. Even though they're completely different, he reminds me of Spinozi on the Morning Animal. Both come off as these self-righteous know-it-alls that are just annoying af. I'm ok with Kelly Gregg but don't get the opportunity to listen to him as much b/c of the time slot.
    I guess I just always take Todd as joking around a lot. It's possible you are taking him a little too seriously at times, but he's not as good as others for sure. I've always thought of him as a filler guy anyways.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I guess I just always take Todd as joking around a lot. It's possible you are taking him a little too seriously at times, but he's not as good as others for sure. I've always thought of him as a filler guy anyways.
    It's not just always about what he says for me, but it's his voice too. He's annoying to me. And as the station has got rid of or lost talent, he seems to be on air at all times of the day. He's unlistenable. Similar to Spinozi for me. That's a big reason why I stopped listening to the Morning Animals. And I'm a fan of Curtis and Carey Murdock. Seems several people in my circle have almost completely converted to the Ref as well.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    It's not just always about what he says for me, but it's his voice too. He's annoying to me. And as the station has got rid of or lost talent, he seems to be on air at all times of the day. He's unlistenable. Similar to Spinozi for me. That's a big reason why I stopped listening to the Morning Animals. And I'm a fan of Curtis and Carey Murdock. Seems several people in my circle have almost completely converted to the Ref as well.
    I'm also not a fan of the morning animals. As a matter of fact I hardly listen to the animal except when the Ref or Franchise are both on commercial. Part of it might be an age thing. A lot of the guys on the Franchise are younger, late-30's to mid 40's, which is the same age range as me and my group of friends, so I wonder if that plays a lot into it. While I like Toby Rowland, I find him super bland and unexciting to listen to when he's just doing a talk show.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    I can't listen to the Morning Animals. Mainly because almost daily they'll get on some sound clip or something they think is hilarious and just run it into the ground!!!!!! I guess I'm actually in a minority in liking Spinozi. But that's largely because over the years we've, by coincidence, hung out at a few of the same watering holes so I've had beer with him a number of times. Off air he's a really nice guy.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Tyler Media fires Sam Mayes and Cara Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I can't listen to the Morning Animals. Mainly because almost daily they'll get on some sound clip or something they think is hilarious and just run it into the ground!!!!!! I guess I'm actually in a minority in liking Spinozi. But that's largely because over the years we've, by coincidence, hung out at a few of the same watering holes so I've had beer with him a number of times. Off air he's a really nice guy.
    I actually didn't realize many others weren't fans of Spinozi either. I'm sure he's a good dude. Just not my cup of tea on the radio.

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