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Thread: Pops

  1. Far North Pops

    I decided to put this here because our other Pops thread got derailed.

    I went today.. bad choice in timing. Labor Day Weekend - Sunday - 11:30am.. along with half of the state of OK - they must have all gotten out of church at the same time!

    We waited 1.5 hours for a table ( why? I'll never know and never do again).

    It's sort of a novel idea for the first 5 minutes.. ( looking at Pop, buying 4 @ $1.99 each and then sitting outside with the flies for the next Hour and 25 minutes waiting for one of only 5 or 6 tables that actually hold 4 people. It wasn't horrible, it just wasn't something I'd ever recommend.

    The bathrooms were so tiny and packed that you couldn't open the door without hitting someone or getting hit yourself. They were out of seat covers, and the trash bins were overflowing.. expected yes, the place was packed. Still.....

    It appears that to offset some of the crowds, they have set up a separate tent outside serving burgers, hotdogs with drinks and chips for $5 - in retrospect, we should have just done that. We didn't want to eat in a tent in the heat but we ended up sitting on the patio waiting for a table anyway.

    The food was okay, I had a half pound mushroom burger which was good but at that point, I was so hungry, I would have eaten cardboard and thought it tasted good.

    The fries seemed homemade.. tasted good, a little chilled for my taste. I like my food piping hot. It wasn't. We saw workers carrying cartons of what looked like cole slaw so don't go expecting homemade slaw.

    The shakes were good but we felt so guilty sitting there waiting for the shakes ( took at least another 15 min to get them after we finished lunch) taking up the booth table with so many people waiting to eat, some of the enjoyment was lost because we grabbed the shakes and bolted out of there.

    Overall, for a price of nearly $50 for burgers and shakes and an hour and a half wait, the metal pop bottle sculpture was not worth it at all to me.

    I might go back after the dust settles and the crowds dissipate... the kinks are worked out and they add another outdoor ( screened in room) for additional dining and fly control.

    Usually, I'm pretty excited about new businesses and really want them to succeed, but I have to say I was really disappointed in the whole experience.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    At least you got shakes! When we went, they were OUT of ice cream!!!!

  3. Default Re: Pops Arcadia


    After all of that ... I would have died!

    (lol.. they thought they had a fly problem before! ha,ha)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    I actually went there last night. We arrived about 30 min. before the sun went down, so we were able to see it in the daytime and watch it light up as the sky got darker.

    Had a 10 min. wait for a couple of seats at the counter. Fun place to sit. I ordered a burger, fries and sweet tea and my wife ordered a cherry coke and quesadilla with a cup of chicken noodle soup.

    They gave us our drinks promptly. The sweet tea was nothing to write home about (no McAlisters') but hey...the name of the place is POPS, not Sweet Tea's. The cherry Coke was...cherry Coke. Had to wait awhile for our food...apparently there are still somes kinks being worked out...but the manager was super nice and gave us two free meals for next time we come in. My burger appeared to have been on a warmer for some time and was not exactly juicey. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that...I can imagine when they settle down the burgers will be hot off the grill. The fries, however, we hot and delicious. My wife's quesadilla and soup were fantastic. We orded a peanut butter cup shake (on the house for the wait) that was probably the best shake I can remember.

    POPS is great...but it is not designed for crowds, nor should it have been. This was discussed at great length in the other thread, but POPS is the way it is to stay true to the concept of a roadside c-store and diner. Once the novelty has worn off, the crowds die down, and the kinks are worked out, POPS will be a fantastic place to visit. Give it time.

    The sad thing is, this just goes to show how starved the people of OKC are for the unique and different. If a Circle K with a Subway opend down the street, whoop-de-do. But when somebody puts a little more thought, money, and passion into an idea, look what happens...

    I hope the success of POPS is a lesson to all developers.

  5. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    The sad thing is, this just goes to show how starved the people of OKC are for the unique and different. & I hope the success of POPS is a lesson to all developers.
    I think you hit the nail right on the head.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    While I do love the concept, and I respect Rand Elliot and Aubrey Mclendon's vision, from a designer's standpoint POPS is ugly.

    I know the cantilevered covering is supposed to represent the future, but seriously, nothing is tackier than exposed metal trusswork. I think design wise this place missed the mark. The place lacks color and imagination.

    Maybe I'd feel better if they ever would have Orangina in stock.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    There is an organic quality to the design, red rock emerging from red earth... a roof line rising and falling like the ridge of the hills in the distance... light streaming through walls of glass where people, more than pop bottles, provide the color in a spakling chrome and white interior. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the display of engineering prowess that is the cantilever roof. Over time, I've grown to appreciate its compatibility with the natural and road environments, seen in perspective after curving through Arcadia from the east and climbing over the hill that takes you into Edmond.

  8. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! You can't be serious!

    Yea...cover up that ugly truss with some EIFS.

    Maybe if the color-changing pop bottle was a little bigger it would make it a cool place.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Pops was packed the day I visited. It is amazing to see a business take off with such a success. I think like any new venture there are small things to work out especially if you become an instant success the way Pops has. Knowing Aubrey they won't be out of ice cream many times and he will get control of the issues that customers find to be a problem.

    It is a great asset to the community out there and hopefully we will others prosper in that area. Economic growth helps us all.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! You can't be serious!

    Yea...cover up that ugly truss with some EIFS.

    Maybe if the color-changing pop bottle was a little bigger it would make it a cool place.
    Andy Warhol photo, Andy Rooney sensibilities... we'll put you down as a "no" for appreciating modern architecture and its simplied form. Taste is personal - and your comments make that certain.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    I agree with Bob - should the designers have made the pop bottle twirl around and spew soda into the air for entertainment? Now that thar would be some dang good de-zine!

  12. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Andy Warhol photo, Andy Rooney sensibilities... we'll put you down as a "no" for appreciating modern architecture and its simplied form. Taste is personal - and your comments make that certain.
    My comments were meant to be a sarcastic respose regarding an earlier post. Read more than the last two posts and you will see what I am refering to. Your comments would be more appropriate for another poster in this thread.

    Not only do I appreciate modern architecture, I design it every day.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Quote Originally Posted by bwana_bob View Post
    Andy Warhol photo, Andy Rooney sensibilities... we'll put you down as a "no" for appreciating modern architecture and its simplied form. Taste is personal - and your comments make that certain.

    You said it exactly. "Modern" is not futuristic by any means. I agree with the concept and the cantilever design, but bare trussing is just so tacky. The one thing that POPS misses in its architecture is the most crucial; to be inviting.

    I work in theme park design. We deal with human emotion on the forefront of design as that ultimately decides whether a person connects with a concept or not. One basic rule is if you have to do trussing, don't color it black or white. It sort of reminds people of oil rigs, cranes, and machinery. Not something you want in a hospitality based business. Some color would have gone a long way.

    White can be futuristic, just not when used with un-futuristic materials and building methods.

    I don't mean to offend anyone or start an argument. I just don't like the design, but maybe okies do... if so. Good. Right?

    All in all it seems that POPS' design suffers from an identity crisis. It struggles to be hip, while maintaining the Oklahoma organic perspective, yet somehow tries to still fit with the Route 66 theme (which is where I think it failed the most). The end result didn't necessarily work. I can't see Route 66 fans clinging to something that has no connection to Route 66 nostalgia besides concept. I also can't see it being timeless by any means.

    It is a matter of taste... some people like the look of offshore drilling rigs.....of the future! Keep in mind that "modern architecture" and "simple" is an oxymoron.

  14. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    With all due respect, theme park design is a far cry from real architecture. That colors your perspective.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    I don't know if the posting is still on this thread, but when Pops opened there were some Architecture students from New York visiting who were interviewed by a reporter from the Oklahoman. I remember how awestruck they were by the architectural design of the structure. And apparently it is quite inviting due to the masses of people from all over the world who have visited in the last few months.

    The great thing about Pops is that it invites discussion and dialogue - whether you agree or not - on design. How many buildings in and around OKC can say that?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    With all due respect, theme park design encompasses more than just architecture. You build pretty buildings. We build pretty buildings that become living, breathing spaces.

    My double major was in architecture and theatrical set design, my masters in environmental design. I've worked on plenty of giant scale projects outside of theme design to know that I have some credibility. Don't judge me if you don't know my background.

    I can have an opinion on what sucks and what doesn't.

    "The great thing about Pops is that it invites discussion and dialogue - whether you agree or not - on design. How many buildings in and around OKC can say that?"

    Now that I will agree with. It does invoke intrigue, which is good and something that is very lacking in OKC.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    My comments were meant to be a sarcastic respose regarding an earlier post. Read more than the last two posts and you will see what I am refering to. Your comments would be more appropriate for another poster in this thread.

    Not only do I appreciate modern architecture, I design it every day.
    My apologies to you Cuatro! When your post follows mine and doesn't quote the "offending" statement, confusion is bound to occur. I did read all of the posts in the thread but I can't claim to know your full body of work that reveals you as the reincarnation of Bruce Goff or another organic architecture pioneer. Plus, I had just read your post "advocating" an urban Wal*Mart adjacent to the Bricktown Ballpark. LOL

    "Sir, there is nothing by which a man exasperates most people more, than by displaying a superiour ability or brilliancy in conversation. They seem pleased at the time; but their envy makes them curse him in their hearts." [Boswell: Life of (Samuel) Johnson]

  18. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    No problem! Sorry for the ambiguity.

    Hey now. I'm not wanting one next to the brick...I am just saying a walmart is not a bad thing for an urban neighborhood.


    EDIT: Oh...and Bruce Goff is da pimp.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    The quotations and LOL should say it all... I knew what you were trying to say on that other post - just thought it was a worthy tongue-in-cheek to muddy your reputation here. I'm guessing that you would give your right arm to move the Price Tower onto that strip of land before supporting a superstore (any flavor) crammed in vertically or horizontally. Utopian design would reflect the existing natural landscape, the surrounding architectural influences and, of course, the functional requirements. In that way, the only thing POPS lacks to fit in "perfectly" on Route 66 is time.

  20. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    Well said.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    But that is so ambiguous, you can easily apply that to many structures that we don't see fit. Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

    Either way, who cares. It's a cool place and Oklahoma needs it.

    I was just there a few hours ago. The food was great.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    With how well POP's has gone over, I wouldn't be surprised to see a small chain of them along the 'Mother Road'. If it can attract this much attention here, I don't see why it wouldn't be able to go over just as well in a few locations between here and LA & Chicago.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    I had the best omelet of my life at POPS - the Crosstimbers Italian. No kidding - I don't know if I just hit it right (time of day, cook or what?) but it was incredible. Only $6 and included home fries and toast. We've eaten there for 3 meals - a breakfast, lunch and dinner. The wait can get a bit long so go prepared for leisurely service - unintentionally European, in that way.

  24. Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    So true...

    Last time I went it took so long that the manager gave us a free milkshake and free entrees next time we came in.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pops Arcadia

    That's awesome... well not awesome that it took so long, but a free meal next time is sweet.

    I think slow service seems the complaint of everyone. I went in a 3 with virtually nobody there and it still took forever.

    The only bad thing I had there was the chicken fried steak. That was on opening day though when everything was a mess. I wonder if it has gotten better.

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