Re: Crossroads Mall
when I first saw the gate I was like - finally, we're getting a real Chinatown gate to the Asian District; then I read it is going into 'crossroad's mall'??? and wha???
I'm all about economic development and for growth in OKC but this will be a struggle; as mentioned, we already have a chinatown/international district that's thriving but needs some more theme/placemaking that's bolder than what we currently have. I so wish this could be developed there as opposed to Crossroads, as mentioned, Crossroads is better suited for a latin/hispanic theme. BTW, it failed because of the lack of vision and wanting to take on the entire property as opposed to something "smaller" like this.
Hate to say it should fail but I think it will stretch OKC too thin currently given its size and location away from the traditional, established district. But what if they brought in Asian Big Boxes like HMart and Chain restaurants like Yoshinoya or Din Tai Fung; it could actually work without taking away from the Asian District.
Who knows though, maybe they do this right and later open another anchor for the latin community (a revised Plaza Mayor), and perhaps one of the achor pods for Europe and another for Africa, then OKC would have a World International Mall as a tourism draw right with it's own Crossroads Commuter Rail Station and Transit Center and I-35/I-240.. Hmm.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!