AGREED! I thought i was going to be annoyed by the OKC tunnel being closed, but that walk from B terminal to rental cars in SLC is about 5 times as long and that's just indoor walking. SLC definitely didn't design their terminals with logic in terms of walkability. Oh, and SLC still has gates where you RIDE THE BUS!!!!! Now that SLC airport is incredibly busy too. For a city about the same size as OKC, they have 10 times the air traffic.
Every time I go to another airport, I am thankful that the OKC airport works as well as it does. Yes, it's small, but it's also fast and convenient. And I dont feel like I want to stab myself in the eye because of lines.
Not fully related, but the TSA agents I've interacted with at various airports seem to be more polite about how they do their job now. Yes they have to be forceful with the occasional idiot that doesn't understand what "take your laptop out of the bag" or "empty ALL contents of your pockets" means, but in general most of them seem to be happier about doing their job now. Or have I just been lucky?