I went to Hefner jr. high from 68 to 70. I remember Mr Dillard very well. He would not let me put my name on his paddle ( board of education ) I think I might have warn out that paddle during my time at the school. At the awards ceremonies at the end of 9th grade I received an award for most achievement, I had gone from C's D's and F's in grades 7 & 8 to A's and B's during the 9th grade. I was in boy scout troop 84, and Mr Dillard became one of the scout masters. and there is where I learned he wasn't such a bad guy. And was able to build and maintain a good relationship with him. A relationship that I remember to this day. probably why my grades got better in the 9th grade. I found out that he always had my best interest at heart. P/S While in Mr. Chandler's class I wrote my name on his paddle and when he saw it and I got 3 lick's to earn my rite to have my name there.