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Thread: Braum's

  1. #1501

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I was just at that braum’s and didn’t find it filthy at all.
    Maybe I just hit the wrong time. Trash was blowing everywhere, the doors and lobby area were filthy, etc. I don't know if they do this but if I were Braum's administration I would try to get a cleaning crew together which would, at least once a month, to a thorough cleaning while the store was closed. Also, Braum's need a better crew for their landscaping at stores. Don't get me wrong, I still go to Braum's but it's out of necessity. Ugh.

  2. #1502
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    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    I constantly find it amazing how Braum's continues to expand despite the fact many (if not most) of their stores are just. so. filthy. I know it must be a challenge keep a store clean but the lack of cleanliness is just appalling. By necessity I went to the new Braum's on Covell/I-35 today. To see how filthy that new store already looks is just unbelievable. Braum's expands and lack of store cleanliness expands as well.
    Most all of the Braums I go to are pretty clean.

  3. #1503

    Default Re: Braum's

    Go during the day and their stores are much cleaner. Having worked for them they really focus on lunch. Store I worked at they would want 12 people working for lunch. After 5 pm it's a total different ball game. There be times the would have no more than 6 people total working. I never understood that since ice cream is more labor intensive than lunch but anyway I really think it's the time of day you go. Much cleaner in the afternoon total mess late evening.

  4. #1504

    Default Re: Braum's

    The one in our local town is pretty rough. Food is always solid but it definitely has seen better days and has been neglected. Hopefully Braums steps back a little soon and reevaluates their existing locations more thoroughly for updates and refreshes rather than continually expanding. A problem most companies seem to have when they're flush with cash and only seem to want to expand instead of reinvesting in existing locations.

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Go during the day and their stores are much cleaner. Having worked for them they really focus on lunch. Store I worked at they would want 12 people working for lunch. After 5 pm it's a total different ball game. There be times the would have no more than 6 people total working. I never understood that since ice cream is more labor intensive than lunch but anyway I really think it's the time of day you go. Much cleaner in the afternoon total mess late evening.
    Ours typically has a slew of 15 year olds working at night after school and I'd imagine getting them to keep the place spotless is probably a little tricky.

  5. #1505

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by John1744 View Post
    The one in our local town is pretty rough. Food is always solid but it definitely has seen better days and has been neglected. Hopefully Braums steps back a little soon and reevaluates their existing locations more thoroughly for updates and refreshes rather than continually expanding. A problem most companies seem to have when they're flush with cash and only seem to want to expand instead of reinvesting in existing locations.

    Ours typically has a slew of 15 year olds working at night after school and I'd imagine getting them to keep the place spotless is probably a little tricky.
    Yes, this is quite true!

  6. #1506

    Default Re: Braum's

    The renovation at 39th & Penn continues. Employees said they hope to be complete by the end of August.

  7. #1507

    Default Re: Braum's

    Braum's has filed a building permit application for the southwest corner of NW 150th & May, just to the west of OnCue:

  8. #1508

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Braum's has filed a building permit application for the southwest corner of NW 150th & May, just to the west of OnCue:

    isn't there like one a mile away already. Braums is going to spread themselves too thin if they are not careful

  9. #1509

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    isn't there like one a mile away already. Braums is going to spread themselves too thin if they are not careful
    There is a Braum's two miles away at 164th and Penn. There is also one at Edmond Road and Santa Fe, and there are plans for one at 192nd and Western. While I think this proposed location (150th and May) could have been placed a little further north and west, like 178th and Portland, given the population density of the surrounding neighborhoods and forced 1x1 mile traffic grid, this location should do fine.

  10. #1510

    Default Re: Braum's

    There's 3 within a 2 mile radius of my house in Windsor Oaks. 2 on 23rd and one on 39th & Portland. I'm not mad.

  11. #1511

    Default Re: Braum's

    They know what they are doing.

    All their stores are very busy.

  12. #1512

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    isn't there like one a mile away already. Braums is going to spread themselves too thin if they are not careful
    Hard to blame them for pressing the advantage in Fake Edmond.

    A lot of disposable income (and people who don’t like to cook) lives nearby.

  13. #1513

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    They know what they are doing.

    All their stores are very busy.
    Ah Ok however the one by me on NW 23rd and Rockwell is never that busy. Non of their store can get help and keep help the store I used to work out went thru mangers on a monthly bases. We probably had 6 different night mangers in a year.

  14. #1514

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
    Ah Ok however the one by me on NW 23rd and Rockwell is never that busy.
    If you say so.

    That store is 35 years old and one of their smaller buildings - about half the size of their new stores. 23rd & Rockwell is not exactly a growth area.

  15. #1515

    Default Re: Braum's

    While we are on the subject are all their stores out of 32 and 44 oz cups for just the few I go too? Also seen some others on facebook post about this.


  16. #1516

    Default Re: Braum's

    Whataburger is also running out of cups got a 20 oz drink and it’s a cheap foam cup

  17. #1517

    Default Re: Braum's

    Yes we've been to a few Braum's in the area and they've all been out of large cups.

  18. Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by Slimjim View Post
    Whataburger is also running out of cups got a 20 oz drink and it’s a cheap foam cup
    The OnCue near I-40 and Meridian has been using plain white styrofoam cups for large coffee for awhile too

  19. #1519

    Default Re: Braum's

    Yeah, OnCue is definitely going through it w/ regards to cup shortages currently.

  20. #1520

    Default Re: Braum's

    Went to 3 Braum's yesterday and not a single one had any whole or two percent milk. The gentleman working at one said they have been struggling to keep those products in stock.

  21. #1521

    Default Re: Braum's

    cup gate?

  22. #1522

    Default Re: Braum's

    Braums and Caseys are taking over the city. The 2 new Braums at I40 and Morgan road and SW 29th and Sara road are going up quickly. There are already 3 Braums in my area but I guess 2 more can't hurt.

  23. #1523

    Default Re: Braum's

    The renovation at 39th & Penn looks like it is pretty much complete.

    Hard to tell from the images, but there are now dual ordering lanes in the drive-thru.

  24. #1524

    Default Re: Braum's

    There's a new one being built I want to say on 15th and the Turnpike. Seems like Braum's opens a new location every week.

    I'm interested in their long term plans. I think the founder died last year so it will be interesting to see what ownership does going forward. Who knows. He probably wasn't running the company for awhile anyway.

    Their California Chipotle burrito combo is my favorite breakfast fast food. Good price too, less than six dollars. We are seeing prices go up everywhere yet Braum's stays pretty low on cost.

  25. #1525

    Default Re: Braum's

    Quote Originally Posted by floyd the barber View Post
    There's a new one being built I want to say on 15th and the Turnpike. Seems like Braum's opens a new location every week.

    I'm interested in their long term plans. I think the founder died last year so it will be interesting to see what ownership does going forward. Who knows. He probably wasn't running the company for awhile anyway.

    Their California Chipotle burrito combo is my favorite breakfast fast food. Good price too, less than six dollars. We are seeing prices go up everywhere yet Braum's stays pretty low on cost.
    Yes SW 15th and Sara road. It is going to be massive. The biggest Braums I've ever seen.

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