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Thread: Edge Craft BBQ

  1. #1

    Default Edge Craft BBQ

    This is a new restaurant opening soon at 1900 Linwood, the same renovated complex that contains Dead's People Stuff, a barber and soon Cross Timbers Brewery.

    They will be occupying the out-building on the west side of the complex (formerly hosted OkiMoto DIY garage) and have built a new smokehouse.

    The proprietor is Zach Edge, the former pitmaster of Maples BBQ.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    great news! i really miss the bbq at maples.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    great news! i really miss the bbq at maples.
    Keep an eye on their FB page as they are already doing some occasional batches:


  4. #4

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    great news! i really miss the bbq at maples.
    Feel the same. Im no expert or have tried all the BBQ but I thought Maples brisket was easily the best in OKC. Hated to see them close but nice to see the pitmaster will be making more BBQ.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    I have tried most of the BBQ places in OKC area and agree that Maples had the best brisket. There are a couple that were close, but Maples was the best.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    I might be confused, but I'm thinking that is on the west side of the property?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I might be confused, but I'm thinking that is on the west side of the property?
    You are correct. I changed my post.

  8. Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Great news.... Zach had told me about this, he figured out that I was OK BBQ Anonymous after I posted here about a whiskey I drank there, and had projected a Spring opening but I hadn't heard any new news on it.

    Not sure if it's still his plan but he said he will only be open weekends, I think he said Fri-Sun, and he will only be cooking so much and when it's gone it's gone... Pretty sure he wants to concentrate on quality over quantity.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ


    Very similar to the original Maples trailer, only this place will have indoor seating.

    This sounds like a hit to me, and that is a cool development.

  10. Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Very similar to the original Maples trailer, only this place will have indoor seating.

    This sounds like a hit to me, and that is a cool development.

    Yep.... That was the first thing I thought when he told me where it was.... And Dead People pulls in pretty steady traffic to that area. So I think he may have potential to draw people in just with the smell.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ


    There will also be a brewery and tap room at the east end of this project.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Linwood has a chance to blow up. Lots of possibilities.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Hopefully the brisket will be a little more like the real Texas version.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Edge Craft to bring Central Texas BBQ to the core

    After serving as pitmaster for the short-lived but highly regarded Maples, Zach Edge learned a great deal.

    That experience has led to the creation of a Central Texas barbecue restaurant of his own. Edge Craft will open Friday 7/30 in the renovated complex alongside Dead People's Stuff.

    The new restaurant at 1900 Linwood will be open for business Friday, Saturday and Sunday to start, opening its door at 11 a.m. and staying open until sell-out with the likelihood of adding more days with time.

    All the meats are cooked by Edge himself in the adjacent custom smokehouse and sliced to order by the man himself.

    Meats include prime brisket, pork spare ribs, house sausage made from the brisket trimmings, turkey and pulled pork.

    The sides are given the same kind of attention with a grown-up version of mac & cheese, collard greens with bacon, baked beans, fried okra, coleslaw, potato salad and smoked elote with in-house-made crema.

    For now, soda and beer will be served in cans. Beer will largely be domestic and inexpensive, with some local craft offerings as well.

    There is a stand-alone bar near the rear of the renovated industrial space which will be opened down the line.

    In addition to Dead People's Stuff, a barber and Edge Craft, the Linwood development will be adding Cross Timbers Brewing Company with a large taproom and covered patio at the east end. Cross Timbers should open in a couple of months.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    I'm not a food critic but that first picture is a sampling plate of all the meats with a side of elote and collard greens.

    Everything was excellent and the space and setting are really cool.

    They are being very smart by only starting with 3 days a week and going until sell-out. Will allow them to have tight control of quality and get their quantities right, then go from there.

    I was really impressed.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Super excited to be a regular here. I loved Maples, so I am looking forward to having this close by.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    When Maples was a trailer, it was similar to this new place. But you had to stand outside in the elements and eat there, too.

    This space is really cool (literally and figuratively) and the vibe is great.

    And when Maples converted to a restaurant, they ran into that terrible problem of having to cook meat all day and not being able to deliver quality as consistent as anyone would like, plus huge overhead.

    This is a lot like Jo-Bawb's, but with much better space and enviornment. And if the food is better elsewhere in OKC, I haven't had it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Pete, it looks like Linwood is really starting to pick up some steam, are there more things in the works there?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Pete, it looks like Linwood is really starting to pick up some steam, are there more things in the works there?
    Not really, unless you want to include the project at 2nd & Klein with Fair Weather Friend Brewery.

    It's a massive area and this is going to take a lot of time.

  20. Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Glad to see Zack making another run at OKC... Central Texas style had made some headway here with Maples in OKC and Deckle and Texlahoma in Edmond.... Then we lost Maples and Deckle and I haven't been to north Edmond in a long time so I don't know how Texlahoma fared through the pandemic.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger S View Post
    Glad to see Zack making another run at OKC... Central Texas style had made some headway here with Maples in OKC and Deckle and Texlahoma in Edmond.... Then we lost Maples and Deckle and I haven't been to north Edmond in a long time so I don't know how Texlahoma fared through the pandemic.
    Very interested to see your feedback after you get a chance to try Edge.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Awesome setting! That is a real Texas BBQ vibe in that building. I loved Maples, but found the interior buildout to be a clash. It was too sterile-looking. Glad to see Maples live on in some way. That briscket looks great.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Man I can't tell you how excited I am for this, pass this every day on my way into the city for work and somehow missed the original post!
    Was talking with friends about about driving back out to Wellston to get some good bbq here in the next couple weeks and looks like my trip just got a lot shorter haha.
    I ended up driving there and poking my head around the lot on Sunday after I saw the instagram post, is the brewery just going to be in the back patio area or is it going to take the place of that Sacred Soul place? Fence was too high to see what the brewery setup looked like.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by BridgeBurner View Post
    is the brewery just going to be in the back patio area or is it going to take the place of that Sacred Soul place? Fence was too high to see what the brewery setup looked like.
    It is going in the back of the building on the east side:


  25. #25

    Default Re: Edge Craft BBQ

    I'm not a food critic and am a bit of a BBQ neophyte but I tried all the meats and I thought they were all excellent.

    I wouldn't have expected it, but the ribs and pulled pork were my favorites. Both very juicy and tender and full of flavor. I'm a big sauce guy and I didn't even use any after I had sampled both the house and spicy; they were good but not needed and only masked the flavor.

    The smoked turkey was surprisingly good as well. That and the sausage had a great, smokey taste.

    The brisket was very good, I just don't have the knowledge to properly size it up. I know that is generally the standard by which BBQ is judged, so I'll leave that to others.

    I had the collard greens and smoked elote as sides. They were both fantastic, IMO. The elote is from smoked corn and made with in-house crema and severed cold. Holy cow it was good.

    Their mac & cheese looked interesting because they use gouda and a couple of other cheese, not Velveeta. And the potato salad is a German version I believe, which I bet is very good. Just way too much to try in one sitting.

    I was really impressed with everything and loved the space and setting. And Zach just oozes passion for what he is doing and is limiting the hours to guarantee he can personally cook and slice every bit of meat. That means showing up at 4AM.

    They are starting with only Fri-Sat-Sun which is super smart. Will allow them to get their feet and maintain quality.

    I really hope they are a wild success and I have a feeling they will be.

    When Cross Timbers opens (hopefully in early September) this will be a cool little gathering spot. I love the authentic feel of the area; still very rough but that is a big part of the charm.

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