It allows you to go searching for the answer you desire, no matter how dubious the source.
Want to justify eating ice cream for breakfast? You can find all types of articles saying that's good for you, nevermind they've all been completely debunked; you just don't read those or choose to completely reject them.
The internet has basically allowed people to invent their own reality and reject hard, evidenced-based science simply because they don't like what it says. And then go find the answers they want.
IMHO, it's not the disinformation. I personally see very little of it because I don't seek it out and if I do come across it, it's incredibly easy to spot. The problem is that many people are motivated to find reasons -- any reasons -- to not get vaccinated and not follow commonsense guidelines provided by non-partisan experts.
Anybody who says: "I don't know what to believe about Covid-19" is actually saying, "I reject the CDC and peer-reviewed scientific information and therefore would rather going trolling for something that I want to hear".