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Thread: Paseo District

  1. #226

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    In a generation it might be. Once younger folks with no memory of how we got here are running the place.
    By then, autonomous vehicles will rule the earth.

  2. #227
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    I didn't say that future streetcar wouldn't be autonomous :-P

  3. #228

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I would be very surprised if the streetcar is ever expanded.
    Yeah I feel as if that ship has sailed as well with no expansion part of MAPS. If there is even is a MAPS 5 I wonder how likely it is we see expanded streetcar. I thought I recalled some conceptual maps pointing towards a potential expansion?

  4. #229

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I would be very surprised if the streetcar is ever expanded.
    if the RTA ever gets a fixed funding source ... i would bet that rapid street car would be the choice to go to midwest city and i would expect streetcar to go up classen to 63rd ..

  5. #230
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    If the classen streetcar ever happened I'd kinda like to change it to western so it wouldn't clash with BRT and then you get direct service to that district without missing many of the things you're trying to hit with such a line.

  6. #231

    Default Re: Paseo District

    ^^^^ agreed 110% or have it go down Walker. But then I’m sure you’d have the Mesta Park/Heritage Hills elitist throwing a fit.

  7. #232
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    Yes I don't see MPHH going for 1am streetcar ding dings

  8. #233

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
    Yeah. I mean, it will "only" be 0.7 miles away from the Classen/NW 30th BRT stop, but I imagine even that distance is plenty large to be a deterrent for many folks who might otherwise drive, even though I've found the sidewalks on that stretch of NW 30th to be quite decent.

    And other than my disappointment with the bike lanes, which were not part of the original plan via bikewalkokc and were more wishful thinking, I don't see what has been downgraded. There's more emphasis on parking than I'd have liked given that I can always find it in the surrounding streets, but what can you do... it's Oklahoma City and I'm sure the businesses lobbied for it. Otherwise this seems like a pretty significant investment that is sorely needed and I'm glad to see it done...
    That's quite a hike with no sidewalks and nothing but a cemetery and residences.

  9. #234
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    At that point I'm taking my bike and once I'm on my bike I'm not getting off until I get to my destination

  10. #235

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    By then, autonomous vehicles will rule the earth.
    Been hearing that forever.

  11. #236

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    That's quite a hike with no sidewalks and nothing but a cemetery and residences.
    There are sidewalks the entire way.

    But yes, it's a bit of a hike (only six blocks, really) through a stretch that isn't particularly interesting.

  12. #237
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    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    At that point I'm taking my bike and once I'm on my bike I'm not getting off until I get to my destination
    Watched your videos. You undoubtedly enjoy the routes you take. Glad to see you're having so much fun; also I've probably seen you out and about, now that I know who you are, hope to stop and chat with you for a minute. Keep up the exciting excursions--stay safe.

  13. Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Yes I don't see MPHH going for 1am streetcar ding dings
    why not, there used to be streetcar with way worse dings and chatter. They live in an urban area so this is part of it.

    As to the streetcar, I think you guys are way off - it MUST be expanded and will be. Embark just needs to get its act together and make it free for the time being.

    Build the darn ridership (via free ride zone for now) so the populous becomes more transit savvy and then they will surely fund expansion into the neighborhoods (where fares can be justified) and possibly the creation of the dual track spine the system really needs in order to be successful. Doesn't need to be dual track everywhere, just a N-S and E-W Spines say at Robinson then Broadway for N-S and Reno or Grand (Sheridan) Avenue for E-W

    One expansion I CAN BET $1M will happen will be from downtown to the Oklahoma Health Center area (including the Innovation "district" and possibly the capitol campus). This WILL happen but I hope not before expansion into Capital Hill and up to Plaza, Asian, Paseo, Uptown is at least funded and I agree with using Western (or dual on Broadway then 23rd) on that extension instead of Classen where BRT is definitely more appropriate.

    As for having streetcar going beyond say 2-3 miles from downtown I think that's completely unrealistic. Rapid streetcar? umm no, it will be commuter rail along existing RR ROW and rightfully so. OKC doesn't have the mass for rapid ANY transit other than perhaps BRT on certain corridors (not enough urban density in the core to justify it and likely wont for a very long time) but OKC DOES have need for commuter rail and/or bus as it has population nodes here and there.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  14. #239

    Default Re: Paseo District

    ^^^^ because this OKC and it’s an amateur rate city

  15. #240
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    Do you not remember "we can't have The Edge" right next to us because there might be baddies in the retail spots? And not even their hood!

  16. #241

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Heard a rumor last night that Sauced is getting bought by Humankind Hospitality (Oso, Frida, Picasso). No way for me to verify, but the timing seems plausible given the recent fire.

  17. #242

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by SEMIweather View Post
    Heard a rumor last night that Sauced is getting bought by Humankind Hospitality (Oso, Frida, Picasso). No way for me to verify, but the timing seems plausible given the recent fire.
    They were a part-owner before and now will be taking over the entire operation.

    Will be a renovation and slight expansion but all that means it won't be reopening for several months.

  18. #243

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Quote Originally Posted by SEMIweather View Post
    Heard a rumor last night that Sauced is getting bought by Humankind Hospitality (Oso, Frida, Picasso). No way for me to verify, but the timing seems plausible given the recent fire.
    At one time Humankind owned a share of Sauced (35%???). The rumor has basis.

  19. #244

    Default Re: Paseo District

    As long as they don't change the thin crust pizza and cheese bread recipes, seems like it'll probably end up being a good thing (other than the theoretical/potential negative of one group having too big of an influence on a district - though I think we're a ways away from that at this point).

  20. #245

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Sauced pizza has always been decent but not spectacular. It's the space that is great. A tweak or two to the pizza might be worth exploring.

  21. #246

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Not actually in the paseo, but the abandoned church on 30th and Hudson caught fire over the Fourth of July weekend. They've already demolished a large portion of the church and suspect the rest will also come down. Always hoped something cool would go in here, and I suppose the fire could either help or hurt that cause, but hopefully something will happen there over the next couple of years. Had heard some rumors of something cool a couple of years ago but that obviously didn't come into fruition. And while I doubt changing the zoning to accommodate commercial development there wouldn't be a huge lift, it's interesting that all of the houses on the south side of 30th between Walker and Hudson are zoned commercial (C-3) but the church is zoned residential (R-2)

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    [Not sure why the thumbnail is sideways - but clicking on the photo will correct the issue.]

    Also, heard some updates on Sauced a couple weeks ago and am very excited. Sounds like Humankind is going to do some extensive renovations, keeping the smaller "normal" portion of the restaurant as sauced, and then opening up a bar in the rest of the building, which was always weird and awkward to go into. Very excited to see it come together and will gladly wait a bit longer for a well done project.

  22. #247

    Default Re: Paseo District

    It is somewhat disappointing that the Paseo will no longer have a "dive-y" bar but suppose it was inevitable given the ongoing gentrification of the area. And I always forget that The Pump is only a half mile away.

  23. #248

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Speaking of the Pump got me thinking about nearby restaurants and The Drake. Are they opening back up?

  24. #249

    Default Re: Paseo District

    Other room is still there, and even though they’ve made some improvements it’s still a nice divey spot for me at least.

  25. #250
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