Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
I live about a mile away and I think the biggest barrier they are going to face is a lack of strong bar/restaurant concepts. Venn pizza is good, but it is not going to usurp Empire or Gusto from my rotation. As a local resident the district does not draw me to consistently stop there before/after work, or during my free time. Until they have a good nexus of strong bar/restaurants they wont have a prayer in hell to be as successful as the Plaza. I wish them the best of luck but I don't have enough bars to bar hop, or good enough food to keep me there.
I think you just have to give the area a little time to develop. It wasn't that long ago that the only place you get food in the plaza was Saints. I remember going to Grandads on 23rd and thinking how nice it would be if there was just one other bar a person could walk to in uptown. Seems crazy to think about now but this was less than 10 years ago.

I'm not sure if Old Brittian will become as much of a booming area as the plaza, but it does have certain advantages that 99.9 percent of the metro doesn't have and will never get. The area has a lot of potential.