Any updates on this?
Work has started:
will be nice to have that visible corner in use again
My biggest hope is that awesome 2nd-level patio is finally busy.
It's great space and highly visible; would go a long way towards bringing more life to that part of Sheridan.
I'm shocked they didn't figure out a way to get it online during the warm months of the pandemic, would have been great for that
I'm excited for this. One of my fondest memories growing up was going to the Old Spaghetti Warehouse in Seattle.
They'd paused on everything. And then the bombing in Nashville slowed them down a bit. Completely lost that location (there's more to that story and it sucks). But everyone I speak to on this deal (leasing agent and property owner are both friends/colleagues of mine, and I've spoken to their Wichita-based contractor also) says these people are nothing but total pros.
I've never been, either. I've seen them in other cites and always dismissed it with "ah...just a ripoff of Spaghetti Warehouse..."
Joke was on me! This is the originator of the concept, and SW ripped THEM off. Hopefully the food is better than SW, and I have to believe that it will be based upon everything I've been told about the family who owns the corporation. It sounds like a well-run operation from the top down.
It's a telling sign that Old Spaghetti Factory is expanding while the Spaghetti Warehouse is all but dead.
OSF is very family-oriented and Bricktown needs more of that as opposed to the multiple get-stabbed $2 Bud bars and weekend-only 'clubs'.
Budweiser, as I should have made clear.
Hopefully they have deep pockets and can make this work. This is a premier space but it's no wonder West failed almost immediately and it's been vacant for the most part for several years now. It's got a lot of logistical challenges and I always said it would take something corporate here to make it work. Thought HSG might be the only local suitor but there's a reason it's been vacant so long. Depending on what the Scaramucci's are charging to lease you've got to feed a whole lot of people just to afford the rent there.
Cheesecake Factory. I been tellen yall. Them folks travelen to The City for a night out want themselves' big helpens.
I'm not privy to the details of the lease but I can tell you that the Scaramuccis were very motivated to get the right tenant into this space and also learned some lessons from the previous tenancy. They were very deliberate in getting what they believe is a very strong, experienced and dedicated tenant. They met repeatedly with the family who owns the corporation - and has for around half a century - and even traveled unannounced to a location in another city to try it out.
And while as I said I don't have financial details, I DO know that both groups went a bit outside their respective (and usually fairly rigid) leasing comfort zones, just because they felt strongly about the other party. I've known the Scaramuccis now for nearly 20 years, and I can tell you that they both - especially Avis - are way more concerned with doing the right thing for the district than they are with making personal gain. So I would suspect that they did whatever made sense to get this tenant, who they appear to hold in very high regard. So I feel good about this one. And I've seen many, many people come and go in Bricktown (and elsewhere downtown) at this point and would put my gut up against most anyone.
Thanks for that perspective.
Bricktown needs a name-brand broad-appeal restaurant anchor.
And from what I've read about the food, most reviews are quite positive. I think this place will turn into a nice draw ala the Spaghetti Warehouse at the beginning of its run.
Good to know, hopefully it works out as it's a great space. The 2nd paragraph is definitely true about them caring more about district than $$. Heck, Nonna's was a testament to that and really just a place for Avis to get heavily involved in community affairs. If you know them personally this is like a lemonade stand compared to what they've got.
Bricktown needs to brace itself for more restaurants. The Old Spaghetti Factory hopefully will fill that void. Looking forward to the day we can revive the Bricktown Entertainment District as it will be a focal point for improving 'quality of life' attractions to our city.
Really enjoy the Spaghetti Factory in Honolulu. We want to be there on opening night to get the managers special and satisfy our mizithra cheese fix.
Is this still being renovated?
It's just all the work is inside and difficult to see.
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