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Thread: New Restaurant on memorial and western

  1. #1

    Default New Restaurant on memorial and western

    On the edge of edmond and oklahoma city a new restaurant is going in called OPUS does anyone know anything about it? It is in the old eskimo joes building.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Eskimo Joes never had an OKC location. Only Stillwater. I think you're thinking of the Igloo.

  3. Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Quote Originally Posted by Rage_Kage View Post
    On the edge of edmond and oklahoma city a new restaurant is going in called OPUS does anyone know anything about it? It is in the old eskimo joes building.
    They will serve a lot of beverages and wines, chardonnays, bourbons, etc, etc.

    If it what I think it is, it could be something totally different.

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    This is probably the new prime steakhouse in the old Cowboy Bob's/Emerson Biggins location.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    it was an eskimo joes at one point that never got off the ground

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Eskimo Joes never had an OKC location. Only Stillwater. I think you're thinking of the Igloo.
    The old biggins building. Are you sure im almost positive it was an eskimo joes at one point.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    New Prime Steakhouse from the Nikz At The Top group.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Igloo Grill was pretty much a Joe's clone, except you ordered like you would at Johnnie's. It was a good concept at the time.

    They had locations in OKC, ABQ, and Aspen, CO.

    Thunder RoadHouse is the current tennant of the building.

  9. Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Quote Originally Posted by tuck View Post
    New Prime Steakhouse from the Nikz At The Top group.
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    This is probably the new prime steakhouse in the old Cowboy Bob's/Emerson Biggins location.
    correct and correct

  10. #10

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    It's a great space/building.

    Glad it's getting put to use again.

  11. #11

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Its a great building the kitchen is very nice, kinda wonder how clean it is after being unoccupied for awhile, then again maybe thats why they have been working on it so long. Wonder how long its gonna last considering the life of its previous tenants/

  12. #12

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Below is what Opus Prime Steakhouse writes about the restaurant on opentable.com....

    "Opus Prime Steakhouse is Oklahoma City's only rotating restaurant. In addition to the wonderful cuisine served by C.E.C. Chris Barton, Opus Prime Steakhouse hosts a wine list with over 850 selections. Opus Prime Steakhouse is a proud recipient of Wine Spectator's "Best of Award" of excellence, give to only 600 restaurants world-wide. "

    .....and they haven't opened yet?!?! Hummm

  13. #13

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Rotating restaurant? I'm envisioning Nik'z here. Obviously, that's not the concept. Anyone care to explain>

  14. #14

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    I think they might have plugged in the OPUS name where Nikz's name was in the OpenTable directory.

    I'm sure it'll get corrected. They'll probably keep the Wine Spectator award listed since it's pretty much the same staff.

  15. #15

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    They now have a website: opusprimesteakhouse.com
    Last edited by jbkrems; 11-10-2007 at 02:45 PM. Reason: want the web address instead.

  16. #16

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    did any one check out their menu ? little pricey, better have a ton of atmosphere

    I am sure there other places that would beat it for atmosphere

  17. #17

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western


    Their menu is slightly less pricey than Red Prime Steakhouse downtown. But yes, they better have atmosphere and clientele to support it, or else they will succumb to the curse of every other restaurant on Memorial Road restaurant row.

  18. #18

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    The only real price difference I saw was in the sides. Red Prime Steak’s accessories (sides) are all 8.00, but they serve 2-3 people. Opus side items range from 5.00-8.00.

  19. #19

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    It's called OPUS Prime Steakhouse and it is the owners of the now defunct Nikz. Since they got booted out of founders tower, they opened this place up.

  20. #20

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    I didn't see any menu prices on the Red Prime Steak website. I would guess JDB444 has been a couple of times to remember the cost? I'm not a big steak fan, but I see they have MANY other entree choices. More then most steakhouses I've been to. Opus Primes "other entrees" are a bit high in price, I guess. If it's a really nice steakhouse you would expect that. From what I have read on here about Red Prime, it is very upscale. Yes?
    Sorry, I just moved here so I don't know much about these places.

  21. #21

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    Yes TamKat, Red Prime is probably by far the best steakhouse in the state. The prices are not posted online probably due to competition and because most fine restaurants don't post prices. Its the only place I believe in Oklahoma that has a true Dry Aged steak and one of the few places that have Kobe beef.

  22. #22

    Default Re: New Restaurant on memorial and western

    The food and atmosphere at Nikz was great. I wasn't too pleased being a vendor, nor pleased with the ownership.

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