I've been kicking around the idea of starting a podcast, which would likely be an hour every week.
I know there are a million of these things out there, but I think it would be beneficial to summarize what is going on around town on a weekly basis.
I'd eventually want to add a video element because so much of what we will be talking about could be supplemented with maps, renderings, drone shots, etc.
I could have guests on as well; I think it would be interesting to hear from some restaurant operators, people that own live music venues... I'm not sure civic leaders would be that interesting unless there was a particular subject matter that was a current hot topic.
I may even have a cohost, most likely a woman who also really cares about the city; maybe a younger perspective.
I've also had the idea for quite a while to spend a week or two in several peer cities (Milwaukee, Ft. Worth, even somewhere like Des Moines) and highlight things they have or are doing that would work well in OKC.
Such things as economic development incentives, how design review committees work, and maybe some elements of city/district history... These all seem like obvious topics and areas where I could help impart information.
Completely open to other ideas, so please share what you'd like to see/hear.