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Thread: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

  1. #1

    Default AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    In a rather surprising development, AG Mike Hunter resigned effective June 1st due to ""certain personal matters that are becoming public will become a distraction for this office."


    “It has been a distinct and absolute privilege of a lifetime to serve as the state’s attorney general. Regrettably, certain personal matters that are becoming public will become a distraction for this office. The office of attorney general is one of the most important positions in state government. I cannot allow a personal issue to overshadow the vital work the attorneys, agents and support staff do on behalf of Oklahomans.

    I thank those who entrusted me to fulfill this role and I am very sorry that I will no longer be here. I also extend a very heartfelt appreciation for those employees who chose public service and to work for the office. The employees in the Attorney General’s Office are dedicated, driven and go to bed every night and wake up every morning with the safety of Oklahomans as their magnetic north. I truly appreciate everything they do.”
    Gotta wonder what exactly is coming out that caused this.
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  2. Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Lost Ogle saying it is divorce as he was having and affair with a state employee. Take that with a grain of salt.

  3. #3

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    Lost Ogle saying it is divorce as he was having and affair with a state employee. Take that with a grain of salt.
    If that's all it is, I'm surprised he's resigning. I don't think voters really care about mud slinging in a divorce. This is nowhere close to the stuff they were saying about Dr. Shadid in his City Council race gleaned from his divorce records.

  4. #4

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    You can't tell much from his OSCN file thus far:


    Just that he hired an attorney out of Enid as well as the Klingenberg Law Firm out of OKC.

  5. #5

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Update from the Oklahoman:

    The Oklahoman submitted questions to Hunter on Tuesday night about an extramarital affair that the newspaper confirmed through people familiar with the situation. The sources said the affair was with a state employee, who did not work in the attorney general's office.
    Now if that state employee were also married, or someone that Hunter had supervisory power over, then this gets a little more dicey (though the fact that the employee isn't in the AG office might disprove the latter)

  6. #6

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Holy smokes this Lost Ogle Twitter thread. https://twitter.com/thelostogle/stat...348255748?s=21

    In short, Hunter may have gone after a Stitt staffer in retaliation for Stitt not choosing Hunter’s mistress as Health Dept. Commissioner. If true, this goes beyond mere marital infidelity

  7. #7

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    This is getting juicy AF. Who else is hungry for some burger king now?

  8. #8

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    A friend is a neighbor of Hunter's and said today there was a moving van at his house.

    Good grief, in one fell swoop this guy lost his job, his family, his reputation and probably his future. What a mess.

  9. #9

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    So much of this seems to be self-immolation. There was probably no need to resign. And now that there's a vacancy, if the Governor gets to make that appointment for the remainder of the term, look for someone to come in and dismantle the prosecution against Epic, and pretty much anyone else who has wormed their way onto the Gov's good side.

  10. #10

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    So much of this seems to be self-immolation. There was probably no need to resign. And now that there's a vacancy, if the Governor gets to make that appointment for the remainder of the term, look for someone to come in and dismantle the prosecution against Epic, and pretty much anyone else who has wormed their way onto the Gov's good side.
    A good conspiracy theorist would say that the Epic guys or someone in the sights of Hunter paid a private investigator to find dirt and make it public. We know this sort of tactic is often employed by the rich and threatened.

    At the very least it begs the question: Why and how did this suddenly come to light?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A good conspiracy theorist would say that the Epic guys or someone in the sights of Hunter paid a private investigator to find dirt and make it public. We know this sort of tactic is often employed by the rich and threatened.

    At the very least it begs the question: Why and how did this suddenly come to light?
    Or that they threatened to reveal it to gain leverage and he just said HELL NO and announced it himself rather than be blackmailed.

  12. #12

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    You still have to be pretty idiotic and undisciplined to be engaging in highly scandalous activity when you are in the business of making enemies in the most public of ways.

    Can't be blackmailed unless you were doing things that can be easily used against you.

    Remember, Hunter was promoted after his boss Scott Pruitt took the EPA job and his political career quickly ended in an avalanche of exposed wrongdoing. And all of that only became known because a lot of people became vested in ruining him.

  13. #13

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    A good conspiracy theorist would say that the Epic guys or someone in the sights of Hunter paid a private investigator to find dirt and make it public. We know this sort of tactic is often employed by the rich and threatened.

    At the very least it begs the question: Why and how did this suddenly come to light?
    Coincidentally (I guess) Judge Henderson was the judge assigned to the Epic lawsuit. The same judge who recently resigned in disgrace over being "a hound dog".

  14. #14

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    This state is so corrupt.

  15. #15

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    The divorce decree has already been issued.

    He filed on 5/21 and they were completely divorced by 6/1.

    That is incredibly fast and strange. This entire story is so bizarre.

  16. #16

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    I think Oklahoma Divorce is a couple has to wait 90 days for the divorce to be final. There is no waiting period if no minor children involved. However, six business days for a divorce to be final is not realistic in the Oklahoma court system. I am guessing someone made a phone call. Never in writing and always in cash.

  17. #17

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Could this have been done to protect his assets from the lawsuit that was filed against him the same day ?

  18. #18

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by emtefury View Post
    I think Oklahoma Divorce is a couple has to wait 90 days for the divorce to be final. There is no waiting period if no minor children involved. However, six business days for a divorce to be final is not realistic in the Oklahoma court system. I am guessing someone made a phone call. Never in writing and always in cash.
    As far as I know, and I've filed hundreds of divorce decrees, without kids, the waiting period is 10 days. A divorce like this one is pretty cut and dry if there are no kids. Just list the assets and figure out a fair way to divide them in half.

  19. #19

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by ChowRunner View Post
    Could this have been done to protect his assets from the lawsuit that was filed against him the same day ?
    Protect his assets from what? The only crime committed here was between Hunter and his wife and God.

  20. #20

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Or that they threatened to reveal it to gain leverage and he just said HELL NO and announced it himself rather than be blackmailed.
    That doesn't really make sense since he basically inflicted the worst case scenario of what would happen if he was outed on himself. He was the Attorney General, so I would figure since he's already self-immolated, the next AG or David Prater would be filing charges against anyone who did that. What else could Hunter lose to go forward?

  21. #21

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    This state is so corrupt.
    I’ve always thought the state’s corruptness was in the middle of the pack, so to speak.

    Not nearly as bad as, say, Louisiana or Illinois.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by WheelerD Guy View Post
    I’ve always thought the state’s corruptness was in the middle of the pack, so to speak.

    Not nearly as bad as, say, Louisiana or Illinois.
    You should look up Oklahoma's county commissioner scandal. We are gold plated for corruption.

  23. #23

    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    And everyone seems to forget we had a city council member resign just a few years ago.

    All due to embezzlement and tax fraud issues.

    From what I know, there is a lot more corruption that never gets completely exposed.

  24. Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    You should look up Oklahoma's county commissioner scandal. We are gold plated for corruption.
    That was, perhaps, the biggest per capita scandal in the US.

    It was also 35 to 40 years ago so most involved are likely dead. Go back far enough and you won't find anyplace that hasn't had some type of political criminal or moral activity, most secret, but some done right in the open.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: AG Mike Hunter Resigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And everyone seems to forget we had a city council member resign just a few years ago.

    All due to embezzlement and tax fraud issues.

    From what I know, there is a lot more corruption that never gets completely exposed.
    The Gaylords treated Oklahoma like they owned the place for many years.

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