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I guess it depends on how everyone defines "incredible efficacy rates." First and foremost, they really shouldn't even be the 3rd vaccine with EUA. Novavax had a manufacturing agreement with Emergent Biosolutions last Spring prior to J&J signing their deal with Emergent. Yet, somehow J&J jumps the line and bumps Novavax out of the way. And then they end up having contamination issues at this facility. Can't pinpoint who's at fault for that, but it's not a great look. Then earlier this year, they announce their "incredible efficacy" data. Let's be real, their results were underwhelming by many people's expectations. Very underwhelming compared to Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Novavax's efficacy. If I recall, J&J happened to announce their efficacy data a day or 2 after Novavax. Novavax had outstanding data, compared to J&J's 67% efficacy. They knew how underwhelming this was, so they touted "100% effective against death." LMAO! This worked, as the media ran with it and many people think this is somehow a guarantee against dying from covid. Since when was this ever a metric being used for efficacy? Pfizer and Moderna didn't tout this metric. It's because it's BS. In fact, I believe all four of the above other companies are 100% at preventing death and hospitalizations. But J%J knew they were the weakest, so they touted this as well at it being a one-shot vaccine. Well, at least a couple of the other companies have similar or much higher efficacy after one jab than 67%. Also, 67% is efficacy against moderate to severe covid. They didn't include mild covid cases, which I can only assume would bring that 67% number to well below 50%. It makes sense now when you hear about 7-8 NY Yankees players getting covid after getting J&J. That's how "incredible" it is. I didn't even mention the blood clotting issue yet. I know it's a small number, but I believe these individuals were otherwise healthy individuals. I don't know the number off the top of my head, but there's been several countries who have halted the use of J&J because of this. This wouldn't happen unless there are some serious concerns. Many of those countries have also halted AstraZeneca for similar blood clotting issues. Both companies provide adenovirus vaccines. I think "incredible efficacy rate" is quite the exaggeration.