Re: Ellen & Iggy
I read a little about this today. Apparently, Ellen's girlfriend (Portia) was the one who signed the contract. Regardless, they should've read it. Also, apparently the Mutts & Moms rescue group has a strict policy of not adopting small dogs to families with children under 14, and the home the dog was given to has two girls which are 11 & 12 (I think). So, the rescue group is adamant that the dog will NOT be returned to that home, no matter how much Ellen is upset about it.
Since I work with rescue groups, I can understand their strict adherence to their policies, however I do have to wonder how long are they allowed to "legally" have a claim in this? Midtowner, do you have any answers? Logically, it doesn't make sense to me that after a person purchases something (free and clear), the seller can come back and take over the item. (Do I need to worry that someone from SteinMart is going to go to my coworkers' house and seize the blouse I recently gave her?) Regardless of the contract, isn't there something to be said about ownership in this matter? I need a better understanding of the law...
Pugalcious, I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time with a rescue group, but I'm pleased you were able to adopt a great dog from a shelter (as I am a huge fan of adopting from the shelter)!
"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity." -George Bernard Shaw