I read everything about the CDC guidelines on mainstream media sites.
There are also stories about new variants but when you quickly scan them, you find that the current vaccines generally have them covered. I don't agree that "the media" is focusing on negative stories. They are right to point out we are not through this disaster and that there is still a lot of risk out there, but they also have plenty of stories about the updated guidelines, roll-back of restrictions, cause for optimism, etc.
As a consumer of news, you have a responsibility to seek and actually read factual information from reputable sites. I get tired of people blaming "the media" when if you actually stick to good sources and don't go seeking information from Facebook and highly biased sites, all the information you need to know is right there in front of you and it's super easy to find.
This thread is a great example of how people post and state tons of misinformation instead of just paying the slightest attention to what the CDC -- the organization this country has put in charge of all of this -- keeps repeating. But they can't make you listen - that's up to you.