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Thread: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    I'm definitely intrigued. If more people could see what goes on in the jail, change might find an easier path.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    I miss Live PD so much. It's a travesty they caved and shut it down and I'm still hopeful it will come back. I will definitely watch this show as well.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLucky View Post
    I miss Live PD so much. It's a travesty they caved and shut it down and I'm still hopeful it will come back. I will definitely watch this show as well.
    B-b-b-ut don't these shows glorify authority and promote violence and militarization??

  5. Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Perhaps they should stop patrolling out in the incorporated areas and focus on having the proper amount of jail staff. Or, oh i dont know, charge the cities more for housing inmates so they can afford the staff they need. It's one thing to blame Whetsell for the stupidity of his past, but after a length of time, it becomes your fault for not fixing the new mess. Especially since it's not as though the new sherrif wasn't present and heavily involved in the Whetsell dictatorship.

    It's really time for someone to come in and audit the office. Get that objective view on how things are running. Let them make a review to the county and we'll see where we stand. Personally, i don't trust the office to do something that like properly.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Oklahoma seriously needs to do consolidate its police forces to patrol certain areas. We don’t need OHP, Sheriffs, and OKCPD patrolling the same road.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Sure we do. Every little bit helps.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Sure we do. Every little bit helps.
    Over policing is not a good thing but okay.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    B-b-b-ut don't these shows glorify authority and promote violence and militarization??
    well these shows are not actually reality... they cut and edit to tell the story they want to show. so i don't know if they promote violence and militarization, as much as they just promote a false narrative of policing generally.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Over policing is not a good thing but okay.
    When response times are around 9 minutes, that's not overpolicing.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    When response times are around 9 minutes, that's not overpolicing.
    Average US response times are about 10 minutes. What do you want a cop on every corner that is there in 5 seconds? Yes this country is over policed.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Average US response times are about 10 minutes. What do you want a cop on every corner that is there in 5 seconds? Yes this country is over policed.
    Yesterday a neighbor had her side door kicked in while she was home. I'm sure she considered 10 minutes to be way too long.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    Yesterday a neighbor had her side door kicked in while she was home. I'm sure she considered 10 minutes to be way too long.
    She should get a gun. But hey let’s just expect the police to be there at the exact second we need them. Because that’s how reality works. And let’s use that ridiculous argument to support 3 separate agencies conducting traffic enforcement on the same road. Then let’s ponder on why this country has such a negative reputation in regards to its policing and why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    She should get a gun. But hey let’s just expect the police to be there at the exact second we need them. Because that’s how reality works. And let’s use that ridiculous argument to support 3 separate agencies conducting traffic enforcement on the same road. Then let’s ponder on why this country has such a negative reputation in regards to its policing and why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.
    I agree completely on roads. Otherwise the need for police is very real. Unfortunately the perception of the police has been hugely damaged these last many years. The argument of she should get a gun is ridiculous. No one. Absolutely no one should have a gun unless they are also willing and able to go to a range and practice regularly. REGULARLY! Otherwise in an emergency situation they're more dangerous to themselves than the intruder.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    She should get a gun. But hey let’s just expect the police to be there at the exact second we need them. Because that’s how reality works. And let’s use that ridiculous argument to support 3 separate agencies conducting traffic enforcement on the same road. Then let’s ponder on why this country has such a negative reputation in regards to its policing and why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.
    Traffic stops make police departments money, responding to break ins do not. Police departments should not rely on traffic stops/asset forfeiture to keep the lights on. PDs should get zero direct funding from their own traffic stops/asset forfeiture/drug busts. This incentivizes the wrong type of policing. The fact that we allow police to go out and generate their own revenue is dangerous for everyone. Definitely a major factor in the public's negative perception of police.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I agree completely on roads. Otherwise the need for police is very real. Unfortunately the perception of the police has been hugely damaged these last many years. The argument of she should get a gun is ridiculous. No one. Absolutely no one should have a gun unless they are also willing and able to go to a range and practice regularly. REGULARLY! Otherwise in an emergency situation they're more dangerous to themselves than the intruder.
    I’m just saying we need smarter policing not more. The fact that police don’t appear at the exact second you need them doesn’t mean we aren’t over policed.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoGators View Post
    Traffic stops make police departments money, responding to break ins do not. Police departments should not rely on traffic stops/asset forfeiture to keep the lights on. PDs should get zero direct funding from their own traffic stops/asset forfeiture/drug busts. This incentivizes the wrong type of policing. The fact that we allow police to go out and generate their own revenue is dangerous for everyone. Definitely a major factor in the public's negative perception of police.
    I completely agree here and I think the state tolerates it too much.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
    well these shows are not actually reality... they cut and edit to tell the story they want to show. so i don't know if they promote violence and militarization, as much as they just promote a false narrative of policing generally.
    Apparently you never watched Live PD. 90% or more of it was literally live television. The only way they could show people's faces was because it was un-edited and fell into the category of live news. They had a few edited and pre-recorded spots that were used to fill slow moments, but otherwise it was straight up live policing.

    There are some rumors that's it's coming back and I hope they are true.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLucky View Post
    Apparently you never watched Live PD. 90% or more of it was literally live television. The only way they could show people's faces was because it was un-edited and fell into the category of live news. They had a few edited and pre-recorded spots that were used to fill slow moments, but otherwise it was straight up live policing.

    There are some rumors that's it's coming back and I hope they are true.
    You’re sick if you enjoy entertainment from other peoples low points in life.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    You’re sick if you enjoy entertainment from other peoples low points in life.
    Again, clearly you have never watched the show.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLucky View Post
    Again, clearly you have never watched the show.
    I have.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    You’re sick if you enjoy entertainment from other peoples low points in life.
    But that's entertainment, right? Either real or simulated low points in folks' lives.

    And if nothing else, being on live TV probably prevents officers from using excessive force, so there's that.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    You’re sick if you enjoy entertainment from other peoples low points in life.
    It's sad this is what the discourse has come to. Pre-social media, millions of people were watching COPS and I doubt anyone would have said "You're sick" to someone's face if they said they liked watching COPS. I'm not saying the concept behind these types of shows is morally correct or whatever, but we can disagree about stuff without the insults. This could be a great moment to talk about the exploitative nature of all reality TV, the distinction (or lack thereof) between consent and non-consent in the public sphere, the natural desire for humans to participate in group activities to further the goals of a civilization. Instead, that all gets cut off with a personal attack.

    Anyways, this whole thread is devolving in a bad way. Maybe I'm just the village idiot who thinks people can have a civil conversation about controversial topics.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by AnguisHerba View Post
    It's sad this is what the discourse has come to. Pre-social media, millions of people were watching COPS and I doubt anyone would have said "You're sick" to someone's face if they said they liked watching COPS. I'm not saying the concept behind these types of shows is morally correct or whatever, but we can disagree about stuff without the insults. This could be a great moment to talk about the exploitative nature of all reality TV, the distinction (or lack thereof) between consent and non-consent in the public sphere, the natural desire for humans to participate in group activities to further the goals of a civilization. Instead, that all gets cut off with a personal attack.

    Anyways, this whole thread is devolving in a bad way. Maybe I'm just the village idiot who thinks people can have a civil conversation about controversial topics.
    I’ll say it again. You are sick if you enjoy shows like cops or LIVEPD. It is literally exploiting possibly the lowest point in someone’s life. Sorry you don’t like getting called out for partaking in watching other people’s misery for your own enjoyment.

    I suppose you could argue that calling you sick is a personal attack but not entirely so. I didn’t call you any names or make fun of you. I just find people that enjoy other people’s misery and suffering to, let’s say not be well.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    But that's entertainment, right? Either real or simulated low points in folks' lives.

    And if nothing else, being on live TV probably prevents officers from using excessive force, so there's that.
    I understand what you’re saying. Good point about preventing excessive force. I’ve watched episodes before and thought to myself if they act different when they’re not on TV. I just can’t understand America’s love for reality TV that exploits people’s downturns. But hey to each their own.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Department Reality Show

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I understand what you’re saying. Good point about preventing excessive force. I’ve watched episodes before and thought to myself if they act different when they’re not on TV. I just can’t understand America’s love for reality TV that exploits people’s downturns. But hey to each their own.
    From my perspective, as a lawyer, it really helps me to see how the officers process a stop. I know all of the case law and what is proper, but I actually enjoy sort of running through checklists while watching it and seeing how those things apply in reality. It also helps me, and probably others to see the officers' and arestees' experiences without having to go on a ride along. I'm the kind of kid who can really fall down a rabbit hole watching traffic stops on Youtube..

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