yet another great idea that has been Okie-doked.

OKC has had MANY peer cities to learn from yet we continue to think small time and implement just at the breaking point of legitimacy. Drives me crazy!!! Since this thing was approved they've had years to look at other cities, possibly get discount(s) on bus orders in tandem with other cities, and plan for the future. BRT doesn't work without frequent buses with CAPACITY preferably in their own ROW particularly in the urban/congested sections with real park n rides in the hinterlands. Otherwise, we just have a new bus route with fancy stops.

Can we ever think big and implement something grand, ala Devon Tower? And even that was Okie-Doked; down from it's planned height. WRWA another excellent example, can't build the entire building now just Okie doke it so we can pour more dollars in later. ...

I think it's time this city is run by planners who get out to benchmark other cities' successes rather than engineers who are too overly concerned about whether Oklahoman's can navigate a roundabout.