Actually yeah the residential students did have curfews....and to be honest, it's for their protection given the area the school is in. I was there in the early 2000's. I didn't live on campus, but a lot of friends did. They weren't curfews in the sense that you really had a "punishment" for breaking it, but it was a time that you were advised to be back by. I think the women's dorm had some more stringent rules. They couldn't do much about some of the other dorms that still have door facing way to monitor that well. Not to mention a lot of activities in places like the music school went on until very late night. Many times I didn't leave the music building until 11 or later from rehearsals.

Most of the people that live near the school know to keep their distance because security will tackle their butts. But then there's always that person that wanders in drunk and needs to get tackled.