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So, other states that support education better, such as Kansas and Iowa are not growing as much in population as Oklahoma. So it seems Oklahoma would grow even faster in population than those states if only it would support education better.
At any rate, wealthy alumni need to continue to support higher education in Oklahoma, since the state legislature won't do it. OSU/Stillwater in recent years has quite fabulously benefited from the donations of wealthy alumni. For starters, the new state of the art $60,000,000 McKnight Center For the Performing Arts. It has raised the quality of living in Stillwater, and it's highly unfortunate that Stillwater can't attract any major new industry as a result and despite having daily passenger flight service to DFW.
Tulsa has benefited well from the donations of the wealthy, so it could have something extra special, like the new world class Gathering Place park. Hopefully, Tulsa will continue to benefit in that way. Surely, the wealthy in OKC should make massive donations for iconic projects to make OKC a better place to live. The tax supported Scissortail Park is nice, though.