Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
Yeah and the Nandinas. I also recently planted a Brazilian Monkey Puzzle Tree, or also known as a Chilean Pine, which is supposed to be a very hardy tree. But I had it in a pot for 10+ years and it got so big I thought I might as well plant it. It did good all winter through several cold snaps but it is completely brown now and I fear the worst. They are pretty rare in Oklahoma and I’ve been talking to TLC to see if they can keep their eyes open when placing orders for one.

I lost several expensive and old plants in a greenhouse with two heaters which wasn’t enough and I was pissed.
I think both of our taller Nandina died this time, one has a very small amount of green, but the other is pretty much completely brown, we'll see. The 4 little ground-hugging Nandina did fine, though, I think. Holly hedges that have been here forever (way longer than the 4 years we've been in the house, doubt they're as old as the house, but might well be (70 years old) have brown on the outside, but aren't completely brown, so they will hopefully come back. Our only other trees are a Blue Cedar Atlas that has its tips a bit brown, and some junipers that didn't have any damage.