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Thread: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

  1. #1

    Default Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    Don't forget to vote tomorrow. Many counties are having special elections tomorrow. Big issues in OKC and Tulsa. OKC's big issue is the bond issue that will not raise taxes or milleages. You can vote early in fact today at the Oklahoma County Election Board off of Lincoln before 6pm.

    2007 City Bond Election
    City Council voted on Tuesday, September 11 to pay off the proposed 2007 bond issue of $835 million over 10 years at a 16 mill levy.

    This means property taxes will not increase should the election pass on December 11.

    Learn more about the Bond Program and view the community meeting held on August 28 to discuss the 2007 City Bond Election.

    Our next community meeting will be at 6 p.m. on November 6 in the Council Chamber. The election is tentatively set for December 11.

    City Council Issues, Strategic Priorities & Key Results
    City Council met to identify the major issues confronting the City over the next two to five years, and establish Strategic Priorities and Key Results that the City needs to achieve in order to successfully address the issues identified.

    For more information on the bond issue go here:

    City of Oklahoma City | 2007 Bond Issue Proposal

  2. #2

    Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    Not voting tomorrow... and proud of it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    Why are you proud to not exercise your right to vote? If you're not happy about the election or the issue, the least you can do is vote against it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    I'm not happy about having so many spread out elections and not having elections at the normal time... like in November or whenever they normally have the primary elections... all these extraneous elections are a GIANT waste of taxpayer money... they should consolidate the elections and only hold elections twice a year, or a third time only for runoffs. The frequency and odd-scheduling of these extraneous elections are the fundamental reason why they get such poor turnout.

    And the politicians know it and they do it on purpose.

    To protest, I don't vote in any election outside the normal primary, general and runoff electoins.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    So can you truly complain about these issues if you don't exercise your right to vote in special elections? At least by voting, you have a valid concern and can complain about the situation. Or perhaps start some sort of petition to get things changed to a more regular voting schedule.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    So can you truly complain about these issues if you don't exercise your right to vote in special elections?
    If it's an issue I am passionate about, I'll vote. Otherwise, should I choose not to vote, I won't complain about the issues covered in a particular extraneous election.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Or perhaps start some sort of petition to get things changed to a more regular voting schedule.
    In talking with some of the local politicos, I realized that I could go through with all that effort, but most people don't realize how much waste of taxpayer money is involved with these extra elections and it's not an issue people will get passionate enough to vote on anyway. Furthermore, I certainly don't have the time or resources to effectively wage a petition initiative working against the current political status quo. If I've learned one thing about this state, it takes A LOT of money to go against the Powers That Be.

    My alternative is to protest by abstaining and encouraging others to do the same.

  7. Default Re: Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 9th

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    So can you truly complain about these issues if you don't exercise your right to vote in special elections? At least by voting, you have a valid concern and can complain about the situation. Or perhaps start some sort of petition to get things changed to a more regular voting schedule.
    Yes, a petition! And we'll have THAT vote on March 13th.

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