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Thread: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

  1. #26

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Probably OKC has an improved reputation with the homeless as a good place to go. Maybe MAPS part for homeless. If you don't want them around, don't feed them and they might move on. They could help their own reputation by not committing crime and vandalism, but I suppose that is too much to ask for. But one shouldn't reward that kind of behavior by feeding them. If there are any good, decent ones, the bad ones are always going to ruin it for them. If people really want to help the homeless, they better find out what works in other states and other countries to keep the problem down.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I don't get that impression from the people selling Curbside Chronicle at all. I think it is a quick way to make some cash. And good for the. What they do with the money is their business, not mine.
    How cynical, even more so than me, and that's saying something. Have you ever read a story in any issue about vendors finding housing or found out how many homeless have gotten housed through their program? Over 700 in 2019, guess they did something responsible with all that cash they got, how bizarre....

    Oh, and if a homeless person wanted a quick way to make some cash, going to the Curbside Chronicle office, picking up an apron, and paying 75 cents each for an issue, then going back out and selling them is *not* that way. A quick way for a homeless person to make some cash is to write a plea on a piece of scrap cardboard and stand on a corner or median (and no, I don't give to them, only to Curbside vendors).

  3. #28

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Probably OKC has an improved reputation with the homeless as a good place to go. Maybe MAPS part for homeless. If you don't want them around, don't feed them and they might move on. They could help their own reputation by not committing crime and vandalism, but I suppose that is too much to ask for. But one shouldn't reward that kind of behavior by feeding them. If there are any good, decent ones, the bad ones are always going to ruin it for them. If people really want to help the homeless, they better find out what works in other states and other countries to keep the problem down.
    Is this a serious post? "If you stopped feeding them they'd go away"? These are other human beings we're talking about. Even if there are bad apples in the mix causing issues (which people seem all too eager to use as a reason to write off the entire group of people as unworthy), people deserve not to starve or freeze to death. My goodness.

  4. #29
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Don’t feed the homeless? I recognize this is a very complex situation with no easy solutions, but that’s a real asshole thing to say.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    They could help their own reputation by not committing crime and vandalism, but I suppose that is too much to ask for. But one shouldn't reward that kind of behavior by feeding them. If there are any good, decent ones, the bad ones are always going to ruin it for them.
    Wow. Let's think a little bit about your use of the pronounse "they" and "them." There are untold numbers of reasons people find themselves homeless. Most are due to bad choices or mental illness. Others are there because they never really took responsibility for themselves. Others are there by choice. They're people and their backgrounds are diverse. To lump in many peaceful, law abiding individuals in with those who are committing crime and vandalism is completely unfair.

    And we have around 4,000 guests of the county in jail right now--all of who we make sure to feed. Most of them probably did commit crimes to be there. They deserve to eat. So do the homeless. I figured that in the richest country in the world, there might be some consensus on that point.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Most of us do not have the knowledge and resources to make a difference in helping the homeless population ourselves. We can acknowledge that there is a major problem with homelessness, one that is not easily fixed. I would ask that those of you replying to this tread please pull out an extra $5 and give it to one of the organizations who do understand and are trying to work with the homeless to solve the problem. If you can give them more then so be it. They have a much better understanding of the problems and challenges to solving the problem. Please help them help these people.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    You wonder if those cry out 'someone should do something' if personally they try to help. It's far easier to say what should be done than it is to roll up your sleeves, open your checkbook and actually help. Often times the "someone needs to help" might actually be you. Talking about the problem is easy. Personal action/involvement to solve the problem is rarely easy.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    City needs to open the Cox Convention Center these next two weeks for these people. They will not survive.

    I grew up in Chicago and frequently saw the homeless survive in sub zero temps. I'm not sure how they managed to do it, but I do know that often times many of the homeless would commit small petty crimes solely to be arrested and placed in jail for the night. The jail would provide them shelter and a warm meal. Not the most orthodox way to survive the cold, but certainly an interesting thought process.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    A vacant school building in the 1400 block of NW 3rd is being used as a cold weather warming center. Providing food and shelter for a few hundred IIRC.

  10. Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Yeah, not feeding at all is a little inhumane. Not giving money to the cardboard cowboys is a long-term option. Multiple cities that are perceived as "friendly" to homeless are being absolutely overrun.

    Referring back to the Aurora, CO Mayor living in homeless encampments for a week, it has been said in the debate between him and his supporters is the worst thing you can do is give cash to them. It is simply enabling them. They're trying using a couple of old hotels in Denver but as soon as they were converted and opened they're having great trouble in them with vandalism, meth cooking, drug and alcohol abuse, fighting and all the crimes you can imagine would happen.

    Compassion and empathy is quickly challenged by being taken advantage of and manipulation of the truth by professional advocates.

  11. Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by atolbert View Post
    I grew up in Chicago and frequently saw the homeless survive in sub zero temps. I'm not sure how they managed to do it, but I do know that often times many of the homeless would commit small petty crimes solely to be arrested and placed in jail for the night. The jail would provide them shelter and a warm meal. Not the most orthodox way to survive the cold, but certainly an interesting thought process.
    Grew up in Philly, many would sleep on the steam/subway vents on the sidewalks.

    Side note, I donate to the local organizations, vs just handing out money to someone on the corner.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    I try to give a little to the organizations that do provide services to the homeless. I dont give to the homeless directly but to the groups that provide services. From those who do provide help to the homeless, there is help for those who want it. The problem is those that dont want to follow rules. At least for those there are meals that they can obtain if they remain close to where the services are. I am just saying help the groups that try to do the most good to help the homeless.

  13. Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Of course there are homeless that are truly able to work but can't find it. Help or actual work should be available through the city. There are also homeless who are abusers and need/want help. This should and is available in large cities.

    The unfortunate fact and verified by Mayor Coffman is most refuse assistance, don't want to go to shelters, don't want to stop alcohol and drug use or are mentally unable to make rational decisions.

    Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that the homeless can't be taken for their own good from the street for treatment.

  14. Default Re: Squatter Camps Popping UP Across OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    A vacant school building in the 1400 block of NW 3rd is being used as a cold weather warming center. Providing food and shelter for a few hundred IIRC.
    Homeless Alliance has it set up with other agencies at 3rd and McKinley.

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