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Thread: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

  1. #1

    Default Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    With COVID and winter weather settling in:

    1. Do you experience cabin fever?
    2. If so, what do you do to get through it?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Yes, the cabin fever's been bad. My wife and I have been pretty much locked down since last March, so it's been a challenge. Over the summer we spent a lot of time in the back yard, and this gave me a real motivation for sprucing up my back yard habitat, and quite a bit of time fishing. Now that it's been colder it's been tougher because it is hard to spend time outside. We picked up a couple of Quest 2 VR setups a couple of months ago, and that's given us a bit of relief. There are some good multiplayer games/experiences that we can play together, and with some of our friends and family around the country, which has been nice. It also gives us a way to get exercise without having to run out in the cold. There's one app I use a lot that converts google maps street view to VR, and then I've been touring cities around the world in VR, and if you have friends with the same app you can tour around together with one person in the "driver's seat".

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Built a garden, bought two kayaks, found an isolated lake spot for summer days, took daily walks, and kept busy at home with small misc. projects. And, brought my home cooking skills WAY up.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    My mother and siblings all started playing Pokemon Go, which I assumed was dead, but the pandemic has rejuvenated it. I've been taking hours long walks at Hafer Park almost daily.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    I've done my best to accomplish some things, mainly around my house.

    There were a bunch of projects that had been on my list for several years, like putting in a foundation for a big shed then building it (with a kit) and reorganizing my entire garage and house in general.

    I also had a sliding door put in my master bedroom and after briefly contemplating renting a masonry saw, did the smart thing and let the pros handle that but I did do a lot of the related carpentry and trim work.

    The ice storm couldn't have caused damage anywhere more than my poor backyard. It looked like a bomb blew apart almost all my 30+ trees. I'm still hacking away at what was a knee-deep mess over a very large area. I'm going to have to break down and have the pros come out for some high-hangers, but that is one of the biggest projects I've ever undertaken. Nearing the finish line though, at least with the things I can do myself.

    A few other things along with a pretty big purge that I'm still working on.

    Still.... I'm going a bit crazy. I didn't see my family over the holidays at all which was incredibly hard, but absolutely the smart thing to do. My business is on life support and I just miss doing so much and seeing people.

    Thank goodness for my two dogs! And over Christmas Eve and Christmas day I first rescued a really great Lab then ultimately reunited him with his very grateful family. I'll forever remember my Covid Christmas with Jake!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Nope, no real cabin fever. I live on an acreage so I have land to roam on. I've been working on another degree so with covid the classes went on line to zoom. Other then not going out and doing much shopping in person (doing curbside pickup) not alot has changed for me. My big trip to europe did not happen this summer. I cancelled early when I first saw this spreading so I did not lose any money on it. Retired, and just spend my time for the most part like I normally do, with the exception of church activities.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    The house has gotten some extra attention to things that needed done. And we both always talked about having done jigsaw puzzles as kids so I ordered a couple and we've gotten kinda hooked.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Everyone is on the home improvement kick.

    So much so, it's very hard to find anyone good to get things done.

    I ended up hanging my own wallpaper which resulted in a lot of cursing and frustration before I finally said out loud, "I'm getting this done today, and I don't care how it turns out!"

    In the end and after some careful trimming, it's fine and it's yet another thing I can cross off my list.

    I can and will do almost anything myself, but with these types of projects, you get really good at them right when you are finished... Then will have to learn anew years down the road when/if the need ever arises.

    The pros knock it out in no time (I'm looking at you, ceramic tile) and it always looks more professional. It's a tough tradeoff.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    I've been in and around and done every phase of construction and maintenance all my life. The two things I have to be really desperate in order to do myself are wallpaper and tile. I have all the tools and know how but there's an art to both to do them well. And I don't have it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    I spend time, after good rains, walking creeks and rivers looking for indian artifacts. Never bored around my place. It's nothing to walk a good 4 to 6 miles on a given day. And given half of that is up current, it's good exercise.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Been just working on our to-do house list that we've had ever since we bought it 4-5 years ago, still have a lot to go and a lot of it isn't DIY, unfortunately. We have been good cooks for a while, and are so tired of cooking now, though, but Milk Street's recipes are always entertaining (either in a "Why in the hell does it need 15 steps?" or "Wow, that was really good" and occasionally sometimes both). We're both kind of introverts and haven't really minded too much that we can't go out, we didn't much anyway, except to concerts/plays/etc. every few weeks, but we've literally got 3 lifetimes of music to listen to/movies to watch/books to read, so we do that a lot, but it all is getting old, be nice to eat in a restaurant (haven't done so since probably March, except during the ice storm when our power was out at Taco Bueno).

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Robertson View Post
    I've been in and around and done every phase of construction and maintenance all my life. The two things I have to be really desperate in order to do myself are wallpaper and tile. I have all the tools and know how but there's an art to both to do them well. And I don't have it.
    I've done both out of sheer necessity. Each time, I swore 'never again!' and then did it again for the same reasons (impatience and inability to find anyone for a smallish job).

    Two other nevers I am now staring down: hanging interior doors and laying flooring. Again, for the exact reasons.

    But one thing is permanently off my DIY list: drywall. It's an art, particularly when it comes to matching texture and I have ended up paying far too much for a pro to fix something that few would notice but drove me mad.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've done both out of sheer necessity. Each time, I swore 'never again!' and then did it again for the same reasons (impatience and inability to find anyone for a smallish job).

    Two other nevers I am now staring down: hanging interior doors and laying flooring. Again, for the exact reasons.

    But one thing is permanently off my DIY list: drywall. It's an art, particularly when it comes to matching texture and I have ended up paying far too much for a pro to fix something that few would notice but drove me mad.
    Just started hanging drywall in one of our bathrooms, from all of the DIY work I have done, which is a lot, I still cannot get drywall down. At least not as easy as the procs make it out to be on YouTube, haha.

  14. Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    I have been for sure. My wife and I have a vacation planned for October. Just giving us something to look forward to. We are very fortunate to have kept our jobs and with no eating out or vacations our savings is the highest it has been in....well forever. Went ahead and updated our 20 year old air conditioning and heater since we had the extra money.

    Next up is to find someone to paint the outside trim. I'm sure we will be on a waiting list to get some quotes.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Long drives and listening to a lot of new music. Did a bunch of hiking last summer when I lived in Denver; now that I'm back in OKC, looking forward to doing some storm intercepts once things pick back up on that front in 2-3 months.

  16. Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    I'm starting week #2 of mandatory teleworking due to a possible Covid case in my office, normally I'm one of the few still going in everyday. Being in my 1 bedroom apartment is maddening. LOL, no garden to tend, no home projects, etc.
    Very difficult to stay motivated, and this is only a temp situation for me (!).

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ugh...Cabin Fever?

    Not really. I play a lot of golf, ride my bike and ritualistically sacrifice myself in online shooters. The CoD bullies gave me a nick name ~~ 'Target Practice'. Not a lot has changed in Stuart's world.

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